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She woke up the next morning with a knot in her stomach, thinking back to the day before. She had never told that story to people she barely knew, but there was something about Steve. She felt like she could trust him.

She stood up from her bed and got dressed before leaving her room, walking to the kitchen. She went inside and saw Natasha sitting by the table. She didn't look up, just focusing on the bowl in front of her. [Y/n] walked to the fridge and took out some fruit, wondering whether she should sit down with Natasha or eat her food some other place. She was almost ready to walk out the kitchen when she remembered what Steve told her.

"She is actually really nice once you get to know her." So she decided to sit down. Natasha finally looked up but didn't say anything. [Y/n] put down her fork and looked directly at Natasha.

"I can understand you don't like me very much." She said. Natasha smiled a crooked smile.

"That's an understatement." It was almost a whisper, but she wanted [y/n] to hear.

"I am not here to destroy anything, but you got to understand that after Sokovia the world needs to know that there are consequences. And in this case, I am that consequence." [Y/n] took a deep breath and kept hearing Steve's voice inside her head. She just needed to get to know her.

"And some scary consequence that is huh." Natasha said before leaving the kitchen. [Y/n] sighed and looked at the, now, empty chair, wondering how she could win her over. Maybe Steve would have some ideas.

She finished her breakfast and decided to go look for him. She needed some advice on how to handle Natasha. She walked into the gym, figuring she would find him there but all she found was an empty room. She still walked inside and sat down by the wall.

She sat for a while, just thinking about this job. Maybe she should call Pierce and tell him she wasn't the right one for this job. That he should find another one.

Her thoughts wandered to her sister. She hadn't thought of her in a while before she told Steve that story. She wondered how she was doing and where she was. She hadn't seen her since that day where she told her to run, but she was assured that she was doing well. Maybe she should try finding out where she lived so she could see for herself. Maybe...

Something interrupted her thoughts and she looked up, seeing Steve looking at her from the door.

"Why are you sitting there on the floor?" He asked with his arms crossed and a smile on his face.

"I just needed a minute." She answered, didn't knew why she just didn't say she was looking for him. She started to blush and quickly looked away.

"Oh, I can leave if you want to." Steve started to walk back, but [y/n] didn't wanted him to leave her alone.

"No, it's okay." She said, a little too fast. He smiled at her before he sat down next to her.

"Are you okay?" He asked quietly, still looking at her, but his face looked a bit worried.

"I was just wondering," she started, looking down in her lap. "Maybe I am not the right person for this job. I mean, nobody wants me here. I feel like I am in the way all the time. I am not even sure I should be the one to interrogate Loki. Maybe it would be better for everyone if I just left?" She didn't look up once, but she could feel Steve looking at her. Once again, he took her hand in his. She felt something in her stomach. Butterflies?

"Don't be this hard on yourself. You haven't been here for that long. I know for sure that we are some people who want you here." She looked up at his face and saw a sincere smile.

"Really? Who?" She asked, starting to blush, secretly wished that he were one of them.

"Well," he smiled again, "Wanda likes you, Tony understands that we need you, Rhodey also sees the potential with you being here. And I know you think Nat and Clint hates you, but really, they are just stubborn, they will calm down. Sam and Vision doesn't have anything against you." She was still looking at him, enchanted with his charisma. "And me of course. I think you are a good addition to the group." She felt the butterflies in her stomach once again. She didn't say anything. She was just looking directly into his eyes.

Minutes went by where they were sitting in silence. She didn't want to destroy this moment with questions. It took a while before her thoughts began.

What are you doing? She asked herself. You can't sit here, holding hands with him? You are on a mission, and he is part of your mission! She looked down at her hands, knowing she was right. She let go of his hand and got on her feet. He looked at her, a little confused, but he didn't say anything.

"Thanks for the pep talk." She said, trying to hide the disappointment in her face over that he was a part of her mission.

"Any time." He said with a little smile. She returned his smile before walking out, thinking that she wished she had met him at another time. Maybe she would let herself fall for him then. If she wasn't an agent and he wasn't Captain America.

She shook her head. What was she thinking? He, for sure, didn't even looked at her that way. He was just trying to be nice to a new colleague. She sat down on her bed, holding her head in her hands.

I can't think like that! I can't think of him that way.

Losing game (Captain America x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now