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She got out of the shower and put on her clothes. She looked at her face in the mirror. It looked like she had aged a couple of years over the past couples of days. Her eyes looked tired and her face was pale.

A knock on the door brought her back to reality. She opened it and saw Steve on the other side. She couldn't tell if he looked worried or not.

"How are you?" He asked with a soft voice. She looked him into his eyes, and she could tell that it was concern in them. She looked away.

"I am fine." The answer came out quickly and he took a step in to the room. "Really." She said, trying to convince him. She didn't want to worry him further, so she didn't tell him about the blackout she has had.

"It is okay if you need some time to get better. I can't imagine what you've been through." He sat down on the bed, still with his eyes locked on her. She took a deep breath and smiled at him.

"I can't remember anything, so from the way I see it, I don't really have anything to get over." She tried to sound convincing. Truth was that she wasn't okay. She was scared. She didn't know what had happened and now she starts to blackout, getting flashbacks from weird shit she didn't know was real or not.

Steve didn't look convinced, but he didn't say anything. She smiled at him again and sat next to him on the bed.

"Maybe we should talk about it?" He asked with a low voice. It seemed like he didn't know what to do with his body. Where to put his hands. Where to look.

"Talk about what?" She whispered and moved her head closer to his. She could feel his breathing on her face. She smirked at him and could feel her heart beating faster.

"This?" It sounded more like a question, like he wasn't sure whether he wanted to talk about it or not.

"I am sure we can do something more fun than talking." Her face was right in front of his. She putted her hand on his chest and could feel his heartbeat beneath his shirt. She could feel his muscles under her hand, and she bit her lip, looking into those dreamy eyes. She couldn't control herself and before he had any time to answer she pulled him in, placing her lips on his. He responded her kiss immediately and placed his hands on her hips, pulling her on top of him.

She moved her hair to the side and grabbed his neck, holding him close. He didn't move his hands from her hips, and she didn't sit completely on top of him, holding herself up a little bit over him. She was worried that she came on too forward, but she wanted to be close to him. Still, she knew she couldn't lose all control, so she pulled her head away and smiled to him. She could feel her cheeks heating up and she knew she had a red touch on her face.

"Maybe we should take it a little slower?" She asked with a grin. He smiled at her, looking a bit flustered.

"Maybe you are right." He said and helped her down from his lap. She straightened her hair, trying to catch her breath. He got up and looked down at her.

"[Y/n]?" He asked, still with a calmness in his voice. She nodded and looked at him. "Please tell me if you're not alright?" It wasn't a demand but more like a question. She took another deep breath.

"Of course, Steve." She answered. She knew that she was lying to him, but she didn't want to worry him more. She was sure that she would be fine soon. He placed his hand on his cheek and kissed her forehead.

"Tell me if you need anything, okay?" She nodded and her mouth turned in to a smile. He walked out the room, closing the door behind him. She lay down on the bed and looked up at the ceiling. He really is dreamy, she thought while picturing his face in front of her. As she was lying there, once again, everything turned black. She felt the pain running through her head and pictures started to form.

Steve was the first person she saw. She didn't know where she was looking from. It was like she wasn't there at all. She looked around and saw Tony walking in front of him. They were in a dark hallway. She looked around and saw a bunch of pictures and the wall. What is this? She looked closer. She saw herself on most of the pictures. Herself as a child. Her with her mother and sister. Her father.

Everything got blurry and the next thing she saw was a big picture of her sister, running away. The last time she saw her. She saw her scared face and the tears streaming down from her eyes. She blinked and then all was back to normal. She was laying on the bed, in her room. She sat up. Her body was shaking. What was that? Why did she see Steve and Tony look at a lot of pictures? Pictures she was sure only was in her memories. No one took a picture in the store. No one took a picture when her father abused her. No one took a picture when her mother was dying.

She was confused. She thought about asking Steve about it, but that would mean telling him about the blackouts and the pain, and she wasn't sure she wanted to do that.

She took out her file and looked at the picture, focusing on her sister. It didn't take her long to realize.

She had to find her.


Author's note:
So a short chapter this time, but things are heating up! The next chapter will be a little longer.
And big thanks to all your comments and votes. I can't believe so many people are reading my story! It means so much!

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