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She woke up the next morning, not sure if yesterday was real or a bad dream. When she saw Steve walk out the bathroom, she knew it was all real. She sat up in the bed, making space for him to sit at the foot of the bed.

"How are you feeling?" He asked and reached out for her hand. She took his and looked down at the bed.

"The truth or lie?" She asked, he smiled at her.

"The truth please."

"I feel like this is all a bad dream. I feel numb. I want to cry and scream at the same time and I don't know where to go from here." She looked up at Steve. This was the truth. She didn't know how to recover from all this information.

"I really can't imagine all the things that you are going through. But let me know if there is anything, I can do to make you feel just a little better." She smiled at him and moved closer.

"Just keep doing what you are doing. And don't leave me." She placed her hand on his cheek.

"Never," he said and moved in and kissed her on the lips. She felt a thousand butterflies in her stomach every time he touched her. She felt like a teenager again. And this was the only good feeling she had at this time, so she enjoyed it every time. She moved her head and rested her forehead on his. She smiled and kissed his nose before moving away. She really acted like an awkward teen around him.

"I am glad that I get some smiles out of you," he smiled. She laughed at him and took the pillow behind her and threw it at him. He caught the pillow before it hit him in the face and threw it back at her.

"Hey," she said, trying to dodge it.

"I thought we had figured out who is the strongest of the two of us," he laughed. She rolled her eyes.

"That's only because you cheat," she looked him up and down.

"Well, back in '45 I would still be stronger than you."

"As if," she laughed at him. She had seen the pictures of him before he got the serum. She was sure that she could have beat him back then.

"Tell me about back then?" She asked but regretted right away when she saw his face. "Or you don't have to if you don't want to." He smirked at her.

"No, that's okay. Let me see. I grew up in Brooklyn. My father died in the first war." She listened diligently. She loved the sound of his voice so she couldn't bear telling him that she already knew all of this from his file. "I lost my mother, Sarah, to tuberculosis when I was 18. I wasn't all alone though. I had Bucky." [Y/n] smiled when he mentioned Bucky. She knew that they had a special bond.

"Tell me about him?" She asked, encouraging him to continue.

"He was one of the best men I knew. Know. He always saved me from the fights I thought I could win. I never walked away from a fight." He looked proud but [y/n] couldn't help but let out a little giggle when she thought back on the 5'4" boy he used to be. "I actually met Bucky when I tried to fight some bullies in an alley. I hate to say this, but I think he saved me." He smiled while thinking back. This was a good distraction.

"What happened to him?" [Y/n] asked. This was something that wasn't clear in the file. All she knew was he went missing and then came back a little over a year ago as the Winter Soldier.

"We were trying to get away from Hydra. We were on the train and doing an attack he fell off. I thought I had lost him for good. I mourned him in the time I was awake before crashing the plane. I thought I lost my best friend. And now it turns out that he is still alive. Sam and I am trying to find him. Get him back. But it has been hard so far." He looked down at the bed, still with a smile when he thought back on Bucky.

"You will find him," [y/n] reassured him. "I am certain." She smiled at him.

"I hope that you are right," he said with a smile.

"I read that you jumped on a grenade to protect everyone. Why?" She was curios. She knew he was brave now, but this happened before the serum.

"It was the right thing to do. I couldn't let all the people on the base die. That it turned out it didn't go off I was relieved of course, but I would do it all over again, even if it would mean that I would die." She understood why Dr. Erskine chose Steve. He was noble. Honest. Kind. He just needed the strength to become a real superhero. He already got the mind.

"You are a true hero, huh?" She said with a smile.

"I just wanted to do what was right." He smiled back at her. [Y/n] looked at the clock.

"We should get going before anyone finds us here," she sighed. Steve nodded and got up.

"Get dressed and met me at the car?" He asked before kissing her on the lips.

"Sure Cap." She laughed. He rolled her eyes and shook his head.

"Please don't call me that," he laughed before leaving the room. She got up from the bed and took out some clothes from the bag. She took of Steve's t-shirt and got into her jeans and a white shirt. As she was packing the bag the door opened behind her.

"Did you forget something?" She asked and turned around. She didn't get to see what hit her in the face, but everything turned black.


Steve's POV

Steve's phone rang when he got to the car. He picked it up and answered Tony's call.

"Steve?" He said and sounded like he was in a hurry. "I got the information from Friday and you are not going to like what I have to say." Steve looked at the motel room he had rented. He hoped he could talk with Tony before [y/n] came out.

"Tell me," he said and looked at the car.

"So, I couldn't find anything on her mission, but Marie [y/l/n] is definitely not an agent. She is Hydra." Steve felt his heart sink.

"Hydra?" He asked.

"Like the bad kind of Hydra. If she knows that [y/n] was a S.H.I.E.L.D agent who got sent to our base, her mission might have something to do with her." Steve looked back at the door to the room. If this was true, then the necklace on the grave could be a trap. He almost dropped the phone when he ran to the room. He ripped the door open and looked inside. His t-shirt was laying one the floor next to the bag. He ran to the bathroom, but it was empty.

"She's gone." Steve said between his breathing. He took up the phone and placed it to his ear. "They got her." 

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