Chapter Two

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They all sat around the map table as Sam passed around sandwiches.

"Dean, how are you alive?" Cas asked.

"When I went to go blow up Amara, we ended up actually getting Chuck and Amara to be friendly again. That's when she brought mom and dad back. As a sort of thanks."

Sam nodded. "What do you guys remember?"

John answered. "Mary remembers up until she passed, then nothing until now. And I'm the same way. Dean got us caught up on the Chuck-Amara-Lucifer situation."

"That's good." Cas said, looking at Dean once again. Dean seemed happy, but Cas noticed he was more jumpy around John.

Mary saw Cas didn't have a sandwich. "Why aren't you eating?"

Cas looked from Dean to Mary. "Angels don't need to sleep, eat, nor do any of the bodily functions humans do."

John scoffed. "Sorry, but you're not what I imagined angels would be like."

Cas tilted his head. "I'm sorry I don't meet your 'standers'. I have more power then your pea brain could imagine." Cas walked off without another word.

Deans eyes widened. "He's kidding. We're working on humour...excuse me." Dean shot up and quickly followed Cas down the hall.

While jogging he heard Sam say "Y'know Cas was God once! Well, kind of...I'll tell you about it later."

When Dean caught up with Cas, he grabbed his arm and spun him around. "What was that? Calling my dad pea brained?"

Cas glared at the hunter. "You're fathers impatience and arrogance is tiring."

Dean stepped back. "I'm impatient and arrogant! Can you please just try with him? It means a lot."

Cas sighed. "I'll try again tomorrow Dean. It's been a long day."

Dean nodded. "Thank you. I'll come by your bedroom before I go to sleep."

As Cas walked back to his room, his anger melted away.

Dean came back to the table with a few beers.

John took one and opened it before resuming questioning. "So Dean, Sam, any girls in your life? I remember Dean, you used to be quite the player." He winked at his oldest.

Mary frowned at that. She didn't like the bars and woman lifestyle her dad led before meeting her mom.

Sam coughed, a little uncomfortable. "Not really."

John snickered. "Dean? You got a lady in your life?"

Dean looked at his hands on the table. "Uh, nope."

John raised his eyebrows. "Three men living alone? You're getting soft, Dean."

Mary tried to get the attention off her son. "What about Cas? How's he doin?"

Sam answered. "Cas? Woman? He's not really good at that."

John seemed taken aback. "Why? Is he a...fruity angel?"

Dean's expression changed. "The hell do you mean by fruity?"

John shrugged. "The trench coat, the sensible shoes, I don't know Dean.. How useful is this guy?"

Dean was appalled. "We've known Cas for 8 years. He's family."

John glared at his son. "He's not blood."

Mary stepped in. "Enough you guys."

Dean got up and out of his chair quickly. His happy mood was long gone. "I'm going to bed. Sam will show you to your room."

Dean walked to Cas's bedroom. His heartbeat was strong, and he could feel it pounding in his head.

Dean opened to door to Cas's room. Cas was crouched next to his bed reading a book. His trench coat was off and his hair wasn't in its usual cleaned-up state.

The lamp across the room reflected in his eyes and gave him a 4 o'clock shadow.

Dean closed the door carefully behind him and crouched down next to Cas. "I'm tired."

Cas put a hand on his knee. "Me too."

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