Chapter Seven

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It was 9 AM. John sat against the Impala with one arm around Mary. Cas was still missing.

"Let's just go honey. He probably got a bus." Mary said to Dean.

"No." Dean snapped. He was calling Cas for the 15th time.

John looked at Dean angrily. "Don't snap at your mother, boy."

Dean ignored him, but Sam stepped in and said something Dean couldn't hear. He didn't care anymore, he just wanted to see Cas.

Dean lent against Cas's truck, exhausted. Last night's sleep was terrible. His forehead pressed slightly on the hot metal.

Sam put a hand on his shoulder. "He'll be here."

Dean was about to give in. His dad was getting angrier by the minute. He called Cas again.

Ring.... Ring...

"Hello Dean" Cas's voice on the other line.

Dean immediately perked up. "Cas! Dude where are you? We needed to go like three hours ago."

Cas was off. His voice was higher then usual. "I'll be there in a moment. Apologies."
He hung up.

Dean looked at his phone, then looked behind him towards his brother. "He'll be here."

Cas walked in 10 minutes later, bombarded with questions. "Dude, where were you? What happened? Did you get my calls?"

Cas was still and serious. "I went for a walk, unfortunately my phone was off. Lost track of time, apologies."

The Winchester looked at him, dumbfounded.

Dean, Cas, and Sam were silent the entire ride back.

They got to the bunker before John and Mary, so Cas went straight to his room.

He shut the door and sat on his desk chair. He had to think of a plan. He definitely liked Dean, but he couldn't stand to be near John any more. He was going to do something he would regret, then he would never see Dean again.

Cas started to plan what he was going to do when Dean knocked on his door. He waited a moment before coming in. He had changed out of his clothes from the car.

"Hey Cas...." Dean started.

Cas didn't look at him. He felt guilty and ashamed, although he didn't know why.

Dean sat on his bed. The bed was right behind Cas's chair.

Deans foot rested near his. Cas focused on that.

"Dude, can you look at me?" Dean's tone was mildly annoyed without him meaning to be.

Cas swallowed his pride and swivled his chair around. His and Deans knees brushed slightly. Cas could smell Deans coffee breath, it was comforting.

The hunter leaned in. "Cas, I'm sorry."

Cas stared at Dean. "For?"

Dean leaned forward and swallowed. They were so close. Both of their faces were inches apart, but neither showed any signs of moving.

"My dad...he said something really wrong... I'm sorry, I should have called him out. I didn't know it was that important to you."

Deans breath quickened as he said this.

"Thank you." Cas replied, still inches away from Dean.

The hunter briefly looked at Castiel's lips.

Cas almost thought he didn't, it was so quick.

Dean licked his lips. "You're welcome." He paused, contemplating his next move.

He put his hand on the back of Cas's neck and moved his thumb up and down.

Cas didn't react to this. He stayed still and silent.

The hunters lips tugged up into a smirk.

Dean turned his face and met Castiel's lips with his.

Cas immediately copied him, sinking deeper into the kiss.

Dean liked this very much. He grasped the base of Cas's tie with his free hand, and pulled him onto the bed.

He obliged right away, and they started to lay horizontally when Cas's door swung open.

John Winchester stood there, frozen in shock.

"What the fuck are you doing, boy."

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