Chapter Six

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Cas walked out of the restaurant, fuming. On top of abusive and manipulative, John Winchester was openly homophobic.

Cas leant against the side of the restaurant, he needed to focus his energy somewhere else. He could break something if his emotions got out of hand.

Cas hated feeling emotions, his superiors had taught him that they were forbidden, and he was still affected by that.

He needed to find away back to motel. Using his grace to speed himself up, he could probably run there in less then an hour.

Cas started his walk, but he barely got a few feet before Dean came stumbling out of the restaurant.

Deans slight sway and clumsiness told Cas John had ordered them harder alcohol.

"Cas!" Dean called out to him. Cas stopped walking but didn't turn to face the hunter. Seeing Dean brought his emotions bubbling up. He stood tense and straight. "Yes?"

Dean could tell something was wrong with Cas. "You ok?"

Cas didn't respond and Dean started putting two and two together. "Wait... dude where are you going?" He grasped Cas on the shoulder and spun him around. They were face to face, and Cas tensed even more. He could smell beer and whiskey on Dean.

"Back to the motel." Cas replied.

"What? Why?"

Castiel didn't know how to respond without pissing Dean off. "You're father... he sort of said something."

Cas could see Dean start to shut down as soon as he mentioned John. "He didn't mean it." Dean argued.

Cas tilted his head. "You don't know what he did."

Dean broke the eye contact between them and looked at his feet. "Of course I know Cas. Do you think I didn't hear him? He's from a different time, if we ignore it, he will probably just stop."

Cas scoffed. "He's a grown man. He should know better."

Dean was done with this conversation. "I'm going back inside. Don't talk to my dad about this, ok?"

Cas nodded reluctantly.


When all the Winchesters got back to the motel, Cas wasn't there.

Dean huffed and called his cell. No answer.

Sam took Dean aside while their parents left for their own room, very tipsy.

"What happened when you talked to Cas?" Sam questioned in a low whisper.

"Nothing!" Dean said, defensive. "He'll show up. He always does."

Sam rolled his eyes. His brother was clearing lying to him.

Sam went to bed after brushing his teeth and putting away his bag. Dean quickly followed but he wasn't tired.

The older hunter lay on his side, facing the door. He screwed his eyes shut and prayed.

Cas, where are you? Seriously dude, come back to the motel... we're leaving tomorrow and we can't leave without you.

Cas obviously couldn't respond, but he heard it.

I'm sorry about what happened. We'll talk tomorrow.

It took Dean a while to fall asleep. His nervous heartbeat rang in his ears. He woke up periodically in a cold sweat, thinking that Cas had gone looking for them at the bar, but came back to nothing.

Dean was used to this. It happened whenever Cas left.

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