Chapter Twelve

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"Wake up!"

Cas's arms gripped Deans, scared. "Dean! Are you ok?"

Dean woke up very suddenly- Cas was in his face and he could barely hear him. "Uh- ya.."

Cas definitely startled him. He sat a little back and tried to be softer. "Sorry"

He knew Dean dreamed about his dad. Intuition, angel powers, he didn't know why he knew. He just did.

Dean was still out of it. It took him a second to remember what was happening. His heart thumped in his ears.

Cas looked at him, concerned. "What happened?"

Dean gave in. He burrowed himself into Cas's shoulder. He didn't cry, he just wanted support.

Castiel didn't pry. He held Dean, and eventually they both laid down, peaceful.

Dean woke up at 8. His arm went to reach his side but found nothing. Cas wasn't in his bed anymore.

He groggily sat up and remembered the events of last night. He hated dreams like those.

He usually woke up alone and frightened. And before last night, he hadn't been able to fall back asleep.

Dean ran his hands through his hair. He had it bad for the angel.

Just then, Cas barged in the room. "Dean! You're awake."

Dean fuelled with adrenaline at the sight of Cas's surprised state. "What's happening?"

"We think your father is outside."

"Shit." Dean muttered and threw himself out of bed. "Why?" He asked as they made their way to the others.

"We heard the car."


All the Winchesters and Castiel prepared for the worst.

"Angels could have gotten to him. Or demons. He could even be possessed, we have no clue."  Cas started.

Mary stepped in. "Wouldn't you be able to tell?"

"If it's a demon- yes. If not, I don't know. The light angel warding and my weak grace makes everything a little fuzzy." Cas sighed. "We have to get prepared."

Sam went to the garage to get supplies from the car. Dean went to the weapons room and got everything he could find. 

Cas started to brief Mary on what was going to happen, and how they handle these situations.

Cas was just about to begin when Sam yelled across the bunker.


Cas, Mary and Dean all booked it to the voice.

"Shit." Dean cursed. They shouldn't have split up.

When they got there, they were too late.

John had an angel blade pressed against Sam's neck. Both of Sam's arms were pinned with John's free one.

John had a smile across his face. He looked sick and deranged. A mere shell of the old him.

"Let him go, Dad." Dean had a gun pointed at his father. It was loaded and ready.
Deans hand shook a little as he held it. In all these years, he had never imagined himself here.

"We both know your not going to do it, Dean."

'Help me' Sam mouthed. 'Please'

Hi everyone!
Sorry it's been so long since an update, I've been super busy with school and work.
I promise I won't leave you all hanging and just suddenly stop updating, it will just take me a bit longer to update then normal.
Also, I've been thinking of trying a story in a different fandom? You guys can suggest some by commenting or messaging me :) it always brightens my day. (Also don't worry, this doesn't mean I won't stop doing supernatural, I just thought it would be good for a change of pace.)

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