Chapter Eight

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"Dad, god, this isn't what it looks like."

John stood there for a second, his rage boiling up.

"It looks like I was right. You and Cas were a little too close for my liking, now look at this shit. This isn't you. He's brainwashing you! He's a monster!"

John was fuming. His hands were in fists.

"Dad, please."

John shook his head.

"Fucking monsters."

Cas looked at Dean, but Deans eyes were glued to his father. Dean looked more scared then ever before.

Everything next happened in a blur. John grabbed the front of Deans shirt and threw him onto the ground.

Dean hit the ground hard. He started to get disoriented.

John instantly starting blindly hitting Dean. After two hits, Deans face and John's fists had a lot of blood.

Dean saw white, his head pounded against the floor once...twice....

John was suddenly ripped off him. He was suspended against the wall, about three feet up.

Cas was stood beside the bed. His eyes glowed and the room started to lightly shake.

Dean clasped his hands against his ears when he heard the ringing of Cas's true voice. He could barely see, but Cas had definitely broken all the lights.

Deans head had a lot of blood. He couldn't see out of one eye. He was brought back to reality when he heard John choking.

He groaned "Cas....stop...."

Nothing happened.

"Cas. Don't do this....please."

The walls stopped shaking. The ringing went away. Cas heard him.

The angel sighed. He brought two fingers up to John's forehead and put him to sleep. He instantly crumpled to the ground.

Cas went over and healed Dean. "Are you alright?"

Dean coughed and sat up. "I'm fine. Is he ok?"

Cas looked angry. "You're father is fine. He's asleep. He needs to get kicked out."


"Dean. He assaulted you. He can't stay here."

Dean stayed silent. He grabbed the side of the bead and heaved himself up. "I'm going to bed. We'll take care of him later. And we'll talk later."

Cas stood with John in the room as Dean left for his bedroom.

Cas stayed there, silent and shocked.

Cas picked John up and brought him into Mary's room.

Mary instantly got up and rushed towards him. She looked him over before returning her attention to the angel.

"What happened? Is he ok?!"

Cas stood awkwardly with his hands in his pockets. "Your husband attacked Dean."

Mary furrowed her brows. "That doesn't sound like him."

"Well it's true. I put him to sleep and I healed Dean. Dean is uncomfortable, but I think it's best if John doesn't stay here. Dean won't feel safe."

Mary ran a hand through her long blonde hair. "Cas, I appreciate it, but before we make any drastic decisions, I want to talk to my son.... why did John even hurt him?"

Cas sighed. "Just talk to Dean."

Mary sat in the kitchen at 4am.

She wrapped her slightly cold hands around her coffee cup and thought about what Cas had told her.

She barely knew Cas, she couldn't trust him yet.

Although.... she was gone for a while.

She hated to admit it but maybe John wasn't the best father when she passed.

She sighed and took a sip of her bitter drink.

Mary heard footsteps through the hall...fuck, had John woken up?

Sam rounded the corner into the kitchen.
"Mom! Why are you up?"

Mary sighed, glad that it wasn't John.
"Sam, can I talk to you?"

Sam nodded and sat down beside her. "What's up?"

She didn't look at her son. Just at her hands. "Did John ever... hit you? When you were kids?"

Sam looked hesitant to respond. "Me? No. But Dean... he was always harder on Dean. He would never hit him in front of me, but I once walked into Dean getting it pretty hard for firing his gun recklessly."

Mary was stunned. "Oh."

Sam attempted to make it slightly better. "He stopped after Dean turned 15. I starting noticing more around that time."

Mary stayed silent.

"Hey mom... why do you ask?"

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