Chapter Nine

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Mary started to get up from the table. "No reason Sam. Go to bed, it's late."

"Mom-" Sam tried to respond but she was already out the door.

Mary walked into Deans room. It was dark and Dean was fast asleep. His snoring wasn't bad, but it was noticeable.

She sat down on the bed. "Dean" she whispered. "Dean wake up."

Dean stirred and slowly opened his eyes. "Mom? What's going on?"

"Hey, did your dad hit you?" She was stern.

Dean sighed. "Look, mom it's fine-"

"Oh my god." Mary put her head in her hands. Her worst nightmare just came true.
"Dean, I'm sorry but your father isn't going to stay here for the time being."

Dean sat up. "No, I'm serious it's ok."

Mary stood up. "Physical abuse isn't ok. I know he's your dad but it's best if he stays away."

Dean didn't say anything. Mary's mind was made up.

John stirred awake. He felt groggy and slightly disoriented.

He soon remembered the events earlier, and anger bloomed inside him.

"Fucking monster." John thought to himself. He truly believed Castiel was evil, brainwashing his son and getting him on the wrong side of things.

John sat up, his hair was matted down against his sweaty forehead, and his hands hurt from hitting Dean.

"I need to find a way to get rid of him." John though. "A way for him to leave my family alone."

John was raking his brain for ideas when Mary walked in.

"You need to leave. Tonight John." Mary was crying. Her arms were crossed against her chest defensively. She was dead serious.

John felt taken aback. She definitely found out what he did to Dean. Instead of feeling guilty, he felt angry. He knew Dean wouldn't tell Mary what happened, and Sam didn't even know. That left one other person, Cas.

"What did that thing tell you?" John asked.

"He told me the truth John. I've asked Dean. I can't believe you turned into this. I really thought you would be good enough for our boys."

"Mary- hon I was- I am! I promise, Cas is brainwashing you! That's his whole play! He's gotten to Dean first, then he's going to pick us off, get us to follow his plan."

Mary tilted her head. "What plan? What are you saying? John, you're delusional, please just leave us be."

John shook his head. "No- no Mary don't you see? You're just doing what he wants!"

Mary stepped back from him. "If you don't leave in the next ten minutes, I'm getting Cas to drag you out of here unconscious."
She walked out of the room without another word.

John's hands went into fists. He grabbed the lamp and slammed it against the wall- creating small cuts on his hand. He didn't care though, he was too angry.

John left the bunker promptly 8 minutes later.

Dean walked into the kitchen at 8 AM the next morning.

He sat down next to Sam after pouring a bowl of cereal. They sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes before Mary walked in.

"Hey mom! Where's dad? I haven't seen him since early yesterday." Sam smiled. 

Mary and Dean both tensed.

"Sam, hon, your father is going to be leaving for a bit."

Sam's eyebrows furrowed- confused. "Ok then."

Mary continued. "Actually, Sam do you mind giving me and Dean some space? I have to talk to him for a sec."

"Sure..." Sam replied, even more confused.

Once Sam was gone, Mary sat across from Dean at the table.

"Dean I need to know something."


"Why did your father hit you?"

Dean anxiety spiked. He wasn't ready to tell him mom. He wasn't ready to tell anyone. Dean nervously played with his spoon.

Mary sensed his hesitation toward the question.

"Is it because you're gay?"

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