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Deans dad was dead.

His head buzzed. His brain buzzed. He couldn't see.

The room shrunk around him, and the air thinned.

Somewhere, far away, Mary screamed.

Dean couldn't see her though. The train which was his fathers death had collided against him as he fell to his knees. "Dad.." he whispered.

Castiel didn't regret what he had done. It needed to happen. But as he looked to his friends, his family, he began to feel sad. Sam stood motionless. He knew John needed to die, but it was traumatic to see his own fathers lifeless body. The sting hung in the air and his eyes welled. He never really thought they would get here.

Dean was on his knees. His hands were in his hair as he contemplated his emotions. The attachment and need to please his dad had not faded despite all the bad he had done. His throat burned as he choked on the sobs. He didn't want to cry. John didn't deserve it.

Mary was the first to walk away. She had screamed as she watched the man she loved burn. Gone, in an instant.

She truthfully needed to go throw up.

Dean was the second to leave. He mindlessly crawled to the kitchen to drown himself in alcohol.

'Grief is tricky.' Cas thought to himself. There wasn't any fast action to get the Winchesters over what had happened. He knew that it would put a dent in their relationship for a bit, and he was prepared.

Mary definitely would never see him the same, but he thought the boys would be able to get over it.

All the emotion, the trauma, the grief. It wasn't going to go away for a long time.

Cas knew he would be alone for a while. Sam and Dean would throw themselves into work, eventually breaking under the pressure, but he would be there. In case anything would happen Cas would always be there.

John Winchester needed to die, and Castiel was glad it happened.

Thanks for reading guys! I think I might do a story in a different fandom next but I'll go back to supernatural I promise :)

There has been some people asking for a part two in the 'Broken Wings' story, and truthfully I don't know what I would write about. I kinda feel the story might fall flat. If you have any ideas though please let me know, cause I would love to write something people are really excited about!

As always, thanks for your support and I hope youre all doing awesome :)


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