Chapter Three

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Dean walked into the kitchen in the early morning, Cas was making pancakes, Mary and Sam were looking at his computer, and John was browsing a newspaper.

Sam looked up from his laptop. "You're finally awake! Me and mom found a vamp case if your up for it?"

Dean immediately walked over to Cas and avoided his fathers eye contact. "Sure."

Dean fidgeted with Cas's trench coat. "Why are you making breakfast? You don't eat. I didn't even know you could make this."

Cas smirked. "Sam taught me for your birthday, remember? And I'm trying." He glanced a knowing look at Dean.

Dean rolled his eyes and took two pancakes from the stack in front of him.

He sat down beside John. "What are you reading?"

John glanced up from the paper for a only a moment. "Sports have changed."

Dean awkwardly nodded before stuffing his face with more pancake. Mary laughed at this.

Sam suddenly closed his laptop. "Hey guys, want to see the Impala? Dean's taken great care of her."

John immediately perked up. "Almost forgot! Where is she?"

Sam got up from the kitchen table. "In the garage, follow me."

Mary and John got up after Sam. Dean followed but noticed Cas kept his place at the stove. He smiled before going over there, taking the spatula out of his hand and turning off the heat. "Cmon."

Cas smiled and they followed the rest of the group towards the garage.

Once John and Mary saw the beloved car, they're eyes lit up. John looked over everything while Mary just soaked the sight in.

She turned to Dean. "You took really good care of her." Dean beamed at this comment. "Thanks mom."

John snickered and gestured towards the back seat. "Remember, Mary?" Mary laughed at this. "Yes."

Cas tilted his head in confusion and Dean turned red.

Sam ignored his parents banter. "Mom, Dad, if you guys want to take the Impala, Cas, Dean and me can take Cas's truck."

Mary gave Sam a half hug. "Thanks Sam."

"Sam!" Dean sneered. "This is my car dude."

Sam just shrugged his shoulders. "Why don't we leave in an hour?"

Dean, Cas, and Sam all piled into Cas's rusty truck.

Dean immediately sat in the drivers seat and Cas won the argue of getting shotgun, since it was his car.

Dean fixed the seat to his liking before starting en route to Tonopah, Nevada.

It was about a days drive out. That meant a hotel room. Dean played the radio and sing along badly. Sam was glued to his laptop.

Cas awkwardly tried to start conversation. "Your father does not like me."

Dean shrugged. "He just needs to get to know you."

Cas shook his head. "Dean I can easily read his energy. He does not like me. He suspects I'm turning you 'soft'"

Dean frowned. "Do you want me to talk to him?"

"There's no need." Cas stated. "If he doesn't like me, he doesn't like me."

"I don't like that angel." John said bluntly to Mary.

Mary sifted through John's old journal as they talked. The quiet hum of the Impala and Zeppelin danced in the background.

"He's a good friend of the boys." Mary replied. "Can you promise me you'll try?"

"Fine, fine." John rolled his eyes. He smiled at his wife. "I've missed you."

Mary kissed him on the cheek before returning to the book.

John awkwardly tried to get out what had been bothering him all day. "Do you think Cas... y'know... likes Dean?"

Mary stopped what she was doing and looked up. "I haven't thought about it." Her blond hair spilled over her shoulders. She fiddled with it. "I don't think angels can feel things like that."

John shrugged and made a left hand turn- they were almost there.


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