Chapter Five

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The sheets were wrapped tightly around Percy and I, enveloping us in warmpth. His arms were around my waist, refusing to let me go. Even in the middle of the night, he was still strong enough to hold me in place.  I had woken up suddenly, hearing a thudding outside.

Who would be rummaging around at this hour anyway? Not many people would. I turned over and put my head into Percy's chest, trying to will mysef to fall asleep. Shutting my eyes, I concentrated on matching my breaths to Percy's. The thumping continued and I heard a few faint shouts.

What in the world is going on? I wondered.

"Percy, hey wake up."I whispered hurriedly, shaking his shoulder as I heard the thudding getting closer.

"Huh? What's wrong A?"he asked groggily, rubbing his sea green eyes.

"Listen,"I said in a hushed voice. we were both silent. The thudding became more prominent then it was quiet again for a few moments. I thought I had been imagining it all but then a scream pierced the night. It sent shivers down my spine. Something was going on. That didn't just happen in 12 at night.

"What in the world?"

He was awake now. Quickly jumping out of bed, he grabbed Riptide from the small table by our bed, and walked quietly to the window. The moonlight made the skin on his back, shoulders and face look strikingly pale against his ink black looking hair as he pulled back the shade slightly. I crept over beside him and crouched down, my knife in hand. The hilt was familiar in my hand the leather had impressions of my fingers from years of use.

"Annabeth get back,"he said sternly.

"No"I replied just as solid.

We had been in many more dangerous situations than this. Right?

I peered out the window and down the street. I saw people in white uniforms, knocking in doors and dragging out the children. The parents yelled and sometimes screamed. The children cowered in fear of the Peacekeepers.  I watched in horror, my body shaking, as I watched the Peacekeepers tie the child's hand behind her back and push her towards a black van. The girl's mother ran forward, pleading with them to spare her daughter. I could see the girl's brother standing in the doorway, eyes wide. He looked about 16. He ran forward and tried to get the girl away but one Peecekeeper pushed him to the ground. The other Peacekeeper pushed the woman back gently and got into the van and pulled down the street, closer and closer to mine and Percy's small home.

Why were they taking the girl from her family? The Reaping had already happened! Was she a criminal? She couldn't possibly be, the girl had to have only been ten.

Think think! What were they doing!?

As I watched the same thing happen, but to an older boy, I realized that they were skipping some homes. Could they be looking for a certain age group of kids? But then why would they have taken a ten year old girl and an eighteen year old boy.

"Percy,"I whispered as the Peecekeeper walked towards the door of our home. "I-I think I

know what they're doing."

"What?"he asked quickly, eyes glued to the man.

"They're searching for the Demigods."

"How do you know?"

"They're skipping houses and those kids, I've had my suspicions."I replied quickly.

The front door rattled violently. I jumped up and grabbed my white scarf and wrapped it around my neck, along with a pair of sweatpants. Pulling them quickly on I came back over to where Percy was.

The Demigod Games- A Percy Jackson and Hunger Games Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now