Chapter Twelve

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Percy had had enough of his roommates already. Sure they were nice and all, but they got on his nerves pretty quickly and something about them rubbed him the wrong way. This is what he thought about as he sat on the floor, listening to their constant going back and forth.

"Leo answer me!!" Samantha would yell across the tiny room, adding to Percy's ever increasing headache.

"What do you want Sam!? And stop. Yelling." He replied sighing.

"When. Is. The. Reaping." she asked for the twelve billionth time.

The reaping.. The reaping was coming up sooner and sooner. A scary day. Percy had been through it once, and only at the last second had the baker boy come to volunteer to go in in his position. He thought warily back to that day, letting his mind slip back into the memory, escaping the noisy, cramped room.

Please not me.. please not me... He stopped thinking that immediately, realizing how self centered it was. Better him than a younger boy but better them than himself. If he did go in.. maybe.. just maybe, he'd make it out. Annabeth had and she was twelve. He could feel himself shaking and looked up to see Annabeth not far away from him, eyes closed. She was shaking also.

It can't happen to me.. What am I thinking of course it can...

He hadn't been paying attention, too absorbed in his thoughts. Hands in his pockets, he fumbled Riptide nervously.

"Perseus Jackson!"

His name rang out through the crowded square. His head snapped up, heart stopping. Someone pushed him forward toward the stage.

He heard Annabeth's heart shattering scream.


He thought dreadfully. Forcing his feet to move, he made his way to the stage and climbed the wooden steps. He turned to face the crowd and saw Annabeth, eyes wide, hands covering her mouth, and tears wetting her cheeks. A gold grip tightened on his heart as he met her eyes sending her a silent message.

It'll be ok. He gave her a brave smile, hoping to fool both of them.

"So Perseus, is that your girlfriend?" Effie had asked him.

"It's Percy, and yes, she is." He had answered, voice unwavering, not taking his eyes off Annabeth. His Anna. She gave me a small smile that warmed my heart and made me feel a little better.

"That's too bad. Unless we have a volunteer, you'll be put in the Arena." she had told him.

"Yeah..."I had said quietly into the mic.

"So what's her name?" Effie sounded curious, which in all honesty, creeped me out. It hit me that she probably already knew who she was. How could you possibly forget a twelve year old girl. blonde curls framing her small face, and intelligent grey eyes.

"Annabeth Chase," he had said proudly, smiling at her.

"Really? She's a victor from Four from four years ago What's she doing here? Here, Annabeth why don't you come up here dear."

Percy watched as his girlfriend looked at a blonde girl behind her who nodded, then A started making her way to the stage. As soon as she was on it, he had wrapped her tightly in his arms and had kissed her neck lightly, face buried in the crook of it. She pulled back from him and he had laced his fingers through hers, reassuring him.

"So what brought you to twelve?" Effie asked her.

"It's a really long story, and it's a little confusing," she said shrugging. "And pretty boring. I'm not all that interesting."

He could tell that she didn't want to explain and neither did Percy. What they had done wasn't exactly legal.

"I see. So in a few moments, I'll ask for a volunteer. What would you do if nobody volunteered for him?" Effie asked Annabeth.

Anna didn't look at him. Instead she gazed out over the sea of faces, watching us.

"Honestly? I would try to tell him everything I know about how to survive. And I wouldn't believe it, that he would be taken from me. But Finnick and Annie from back in Four? This happened to them so why shouldn't it happen to us? Finnick was taken from her and I just remember that she wasn't the same when he was gone. I couldn't believe that they would take Finnick from her but now they're trying to do the same thing to me."

Percy squeezed her hand gently.

"How cute are they?"Effie asked pretending to wipe tears from her powdered cheeks. He didn't understand why. It wasn't that sad.

There was a pause before Effie continued. "So do we have any volunteers?"

Silence filled the square.

Percy pulled Annabeth to him and put his hands on her cheeks, kissed her forehead, and rested his forehead against hers, his hands moving from her cheeks down her back. She wrapped her arms around him tightly. He could feel her heart hammering in her chest and then became aware of how fast his own heart was beating when Annabeth put her hand over where his heart was. It seemed like a bird trapped in a cage, trying desperately to get out, frantically beating its wings. Percy closed his eyes and focused on Annabeth in case it was the last time he would get to hold her. Her soft blonde curls that tickled his nose, her beautiful grey eyes, so full of life. Her smile that could light up a room. How happy she made him.

"Ok, well I guess that means that Percy and Katniss will be going." Effie said, sounding slightly disheartened.

"No," Annabeth whispered. "Gods no. Percy I-" He could see the tears filling her eyes.

"It'll be ok, I promise." Percy told her. Then he pressed his lips to hers and pulled away. To his dismay, tears filled his eyes. "I love you Annabeth. And I'll come back to you I-"

"I volunteer!"

The memory faded. How stupid was he. He thought that after hearing those two words, all of his problems would fade away. Now he and Annabeth were stuck in probably more trouble than the regular Hunger Games would be, even both of them had the advantage of already knowing how to fight monsters and how to harness their abilities to their full potential, better than the others here. They had known of their godly parents for longer than the rest of these kids here had. They had both had rough lives, running and fighting, struggling to survive until they got to Four. And now here they were.


Percy looked up startled.

"Yeah, sorry," he muttered, running his hands through his thick black hair. "What'd you guys need?"

"There's some blonde girl at the door." Sam said peering over at him.

"Anna?" He called hopefully.

"Hey Percy! Tell Sam to let me in! I need to show you something!" she called back.

"Sam, let her in." Percy said sighing. Why did Sam have to act like she owned the place?

Annabeth hurried through the door, letting it shut behind them. She sat down next to Percy, clutching an old book to her chest.

"Anna where'd you-"

"Get it? That's not important right now. What's import-"

"Where'd you get it?!" Sam asked eagerly.

"Hey Sam? Mind giving us some time alone?" Percy asked her. She shrugged and dragged Leo out, closing the door behind them.

"Anyway, as I was saying. What's important-well.. Look for yourself." Annabeth placed the book on my lap and opened it to a specifically marked page.

I looked at the page, skimming down the columns and saw what she meant. I drew in a sharp breath. In utter disbelief I uttered three words.

"Oh my gods..."

The Demigod Games- A Percy Jackson and Hunger Games Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now