Chapter Eight

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“For the next few months, you will train five out of the seven days a week for six to eight hours a day.  You will train not only physically but also mentally. You will take classes two days out of the week that will teach you about the Greek gods and goddesses. You will take a class one day each week to work on honing in on your special abilities so we can figure out your godly parent. You will have two days off each week. At the beginning of your training you will be tested on agility, reaction time, endurance, and strength. Then you will be separated into two groups, the A group and the B group. The A group will be the more un-athletic group and group B will obviously be the more athletic of the lot of you. Does this all make sense so far?” Dr. Carter paused to let it all sink in.

It reminded me of a P.E. class I had to take at one of the many schools I went to then got kicked out of.

Percy rolled his eyes and groaned. He had been in the class with me. Neither of us were too happy to go through something like that again. Especially not here.

“Your training will begin next week.”Dr Carter continued in a monotone voice. “We are being very gracious in allowing you to become accustomed to this amazing facility that the Capitol has so graciously built for us. After you eat, you are free to do whatever you like. Curfew is at eleven pm sharp. No exceptions.”

Dr. Carter left the cafeteria followed by his white coated cohorts.

“You have got to be kidding me!” Carrie groaned. “This sounds like a freak gym class.”

“It sounds like the Hunger Games training-you know of course, minus all the classes on the Greek things and ‘honing in on our special abilities’.”I muttered staring at the grey speckled table.

“What did you say?”Nate asked.

I looked up. “Say about what.”

“You said it sounds like the Hunger Games training. How would you know that?” He was suspicious, trying to fit the pieces together. “Unless you...”

“Yeah,” I muttered, knowing what he was about to say.

“So you were in the Hunger Games? And you obviously won.” Cerrie mused.

“Four years ago,” I said quietly. Percy squeezed my hand.

“Four years ago..... I remember! I remember you and your district partner.. Ryan? And that Sam kid!? Sam was chasing you and he killed Ryan didn't he? Then you went and talked with Ryan after you killed Sam! I remember now!” Carson exclaimed.

I froze when he mentioned Ryan. I had tried to block that whole epidemic out when I arrived here but of course, somehow, some way, it just had to be brought up. By kids I hardly knew!

I rubbed my forehead and took a deep breath.

"Yeah...yeah you got it. That was the year I was in it..."I said quietly, not meeting anyone's' eyes. I felt strong arms wrapping around my shoulders, pulling me close to him.

"You okay Annabeth?"Percy whispered, trailing his fingers down my spine.

"I'll survive. I just...I need to get some air."I replied quietly.

I stood up from the table,"Excuse me, I need some time."I rushed out of the cafeteria before anyone could see the tears starting to form in my eyes.

What was I supposed to do. Every day I thought about Ryan. I could hear his voice every once in a while, telling me the jokes he would tell me as a kid to cheer me up or to make me smile. I could feel his presence whenever I was near the ocean because that was his favourite place to be. That's why it was so hard being around Percy sometimes. Because he reminded me of Ryan.

The Demigod Games- A Percy Jackson and Hunger Games Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now