Chapter Thirteen

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"Look at this," I breathed. I skimmed down the columns of names and pointed at mine, Carrie's and some kid named Larken's names. All three of which, has the three asterisks next to them.

"Percy if I'm right.."

"Annabeth if you're right that means that you are a triplet. With Carrie. And whoever that Larken kid is."

"That's pretty crappy news to find out before reaping to an almost certain demise," I muttered bitterly.

"Carrie knows right?" Percy asked me.

"She was with me when I found out. We were in the library together and-"

"This place has a library!?!? Since when?!?" He interrupted.

"I'm not supposed to talk about it I don't think so keep your voice down!" I whisper yelled back.

"Yeah. Anyway before I was interrupted I was saying how Carrie and I had been in the library to see if we really were related. Turns out we are. And not just twins. Triplets. With some Larken kid." I ran frustrated hands through my blonde curly hair and Percy chuckled.

"What? What could possibly be so funny right at this point in time?" I snapped.

"Woah A, calm down. It's just-that's your nervous habit," he said laying his hand over mine.

"Sorry for snapping at you.. I'm just.. I'm stressed and confused and excited and.. I'm worn out.. My nerves are shattered... I'm just tired.." I was quiet for a moment before speaking again. "Sorry, I sound like some spoiled little brat."

"Annabeth you really don't. You of all people have every right to be tired."

His comment about rights made me laugh inside myself. Rights? What rights? We don't have those here. "You've gone through a lot. Probably more than anyone else here. And it's ok." He held up my hand, so small in his, so I could see my nails. They were hardly nails anymore. Bitten all the way to the nubs. "It's ok A, I promise. Your nail nubbins will grow back and we will make it through this." he brought my hand up to his lips and placed a light kiss on each of my knuckles.

"Yeah.. Yeah you're right." I sighed, lacing my fingers through his and letting our intertwined hands rest atop the book's pages. "It's just... there's been a lot going on.. With growing up.. Then going through the regular Reaping, then getting taken in the middle of the night to this place where we've been poked and prodded and studied and classified and ranked since the moment we got here like we're all specimens in a twisted science experiment or like animals being lead to the slaughter, all because of one stupid thing!? Because we're different!? Because we're demigods and we're oh so scary? We all survived the Hunger Games Reaping, and now we have to go through this?! It doesn't make any sense!" By this point, my quiet voice had risen and I was shouting. Percy tried to calm me down by putting his arm around my shoulders and pulling me close to his chest. I laid my head against him and that fire left me. All I could hear was the blood rushing in my ears.

"I just don't get it Percy.. Why us?.."

The room went silent and stayed that way for a while. The roar of the blood in my ears died down until I could hear our breaths and Percy's steady heartbeat. His hand absently smoothed down my hair and he placed a kiss on the top of my head.

"Annabeth you know that we're going to be ok, don't you?"

"I wish I did.. I-I've never-"my voice failed me and I felt the threat of tears burning in my eyes.

"Percy I've never been this unsure of anything before.. And that really.. Really scares me.."

"Why are you so unsure?" he asked me quietly.

"Because I was so sure that Ryan would live.. And I was wrong.. Because I was so sure that we'd be safe in Twelve.. But I was wrong.. And because I was so sure that your name wouldn't be called.. And I was wrong... I never thought there could be anything worse than the Hunger Games.. But look at where we are now?.. Percy we're back at square one in a losing battle.." I was being a real downer but I couldn't help it. We were facing almost certain death. It didn't help that the Reaping would be in less than two weeks.

"So what if it's a losing battle? we've faced those before. Trying to get to Twelve from Four, right? That sure seemed like a losing battle and look how it turned out? Annabeth as long as you're by my side I can go into anything knowing that it'll be ok."

And with that, the tears started to stream down my face. I tried to hide it but it's hard when you've kept so many tears in for so many years. They all seem to fill up lake behind a dam. And that dam broke and everything I had been holding back came out. I sat there, silent tears streaming over my cheeks, hands desperately trying to cover my face before Percy noticed.

Too late.

"A did I- what's wrong? Did I say something? What'd I do? What happened? Hey shhh.. Annabeth it'll be ok.." He softened his voice and cupped my face in his hands, forcing me to look at him. He wiped tears from my cheeks with his thumbs.

"A why are you crying?" Percy asked gently, one hand on my cheek and the other holding my hand. He had turned so he was facing me, our hands resting in his lap as we both sat cross legged on the floor.

"I didn't say something wrong did I?"

"No Seaweed brain, you didn't say anything wrong," I said managing a smile and sniffling. "No, what you said was perfect. It's just.. yeah. Sorry. I'm ok now I promise"

That was a lie. I wanted to curl up and sleep and hope that when I wake up that this had all just been a bad dream or that I'd wake up in some new year with a different government system.

"Ok. Ok. You know that though right? I know that anything is possible with you."

"We're a team. Always have been, always will be." Another smile played across my lips. He could always make me smile.

"Just you and me. No matter how many other random kids just happen to be your siblings. Or the games. Or these games. Just us. That's all that matters. That we're alive and together."

How could he go from dorky and funny to unbelievably sweet in a millisecond? I had no clue. Still don't.

He pulled me against him again and I let my mind go blank for once. I didn't think about the games. I didn't think about the news of triplet-hood. Or of death. Or the corrupted government. It was just me and Percy. Together in this mess of a world. And somehow we were making a path for ourselves. And I knew then for sure, the same thing that he did. Together we were unstoppable.

The Demigod Games- A Percy Jackson and Hunger Games Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now