Chapter Three

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I was running.

Keep going. Don't stop. Can't stop.

Sam was catching up.

My lungs burned, screaming for air. I could see a break in the trees. If I could just beat him to it. My twelve year old body was at its breaking point.

"I'm going to kill you blondie!"Sam screamed at me.

I could hear his breathing behind me. His footsteps kept growing closer and closer. Two hundred feet. Keep running! I couldn't feel my legs. I was on red alert. I was taking everything in. One hundred feet.

I made it to the break and realized that there was a huge circular clearing with no coverage. I had made a huge mistake. I paused just briefly, giving Sam enough time to catch up with me.

He tackled me from behind, sending me sprawling into the grass. I struggled to get to my feet

but Sam grabbed my ankle and pulled me back. I grabbed my knife in hopes of hitting him but he took it and tossed it aside easily. I was done for. I couldn't show fear. I had to stay strong. I was not going to give him the satisfaction of killing a whimpering crying twelve year old. He was going to have to earn this kill.

"I'm going to enjoy this blondie."he said viciously an angry, crazed glint in his eyes. He pressed the blade of his sword to my neck. "Any last words?"

Don't show him that you're scared. Don't cry. Don't give him that satisfaction.

"You're pathetic. A sixteen year old, going after a twelve year old girl. You're scared of me. Scared of a twelve year old. You know I can beat you, so you're trying to take the easy way out."I could see that I was making him mad. Good.

"Shut up."He growled.

"I can see it in your eyes. You're terrified. You're shaking." I was shaking also, but more from the adrenaline. I could feel it coursing through my body. He pressed the blade to my throat, drawing blood. I looked up at the sky, wondering if that was going to be the last time I would see it. Suddenly I was free.

"Go Annabeth! Run!" I heard Ryan yelling.

I looked over to see him struggling with Sam. Ryan was also twelve, a demigod-Son of Poseidon, who I had lived with for five years. His twin sister Skylar was one of my best friends. The three of us had been inseparable. Think Annabeth think! My knife-where did it go!? I saw something catching the sunlight out of the corner of my eye. I sprinted to it and snatched it up. I turned to see Ryan laying in the grass, Sam's foot on his chest. No. Sam was going to kill Ryan.

"Go Anna!"Ryan yelled, in a last effort to get me to leave.

If Ryan was going to die, I was going to avenge him. I watched in horror as Sam drove his sword down into Ryan's stomach. Ryan let out a strangled cry, clawing at his abdomen.

"No!"I screamed. I threw my knife at Sam. It hit him in the side of his ribcage, going in all the way to the hilt.  Sam took his sword and ran into the woods, where he would later die from a loss of blood. I ran to Ryan's side and cradled his head in my lap. I looked at his blood soaked shirt and knew there was nothing I could do.

"Anna?"he asked.

"Quiet."I told him, brushing hair from his forehead."You're going to be fine. You'll win, and get back to four. You'll see Skylar and Luke again. And your mom. You'll see the ocean-"

"Anna, please stop. I know I'm going to die."I met his green eyes and shook my head.

"No, you're not." I whispered knowing I was lying to myself. I wanted him to live.

The Demigod Games- A Percy Jackson and Hunger Games Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now