Chapter One

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I came from District Four. The fishing district. Home of Finnick Odair and Annie Crestia, both close friends of mine and my boyfriend's. Percy Jackson and Finnick act like brothers, always challenging eachother, and fighting because of the similarities in their personalities. How I ended up in twelve is a long story. Percy-my boyfriend, and I ran. Why we chose twelve? Because the Capitol rarely focuses on twelve. It's secluded and away from the Capitol, which means that the rules aren't as strict. Percy and I appreciated that fact because neither of us can follow rules and orders very well.

"Nice shot Katniss," I said watching her shoot her bow and arrows. She was good. Really good.

"You try," she told me, handing me the other bow and an arrow. There was a small bag, tied up in a tree with a red target painted on it. I notched the arrow and took a deep breath. Focusing on the target, I drew back then let the arrow fly. It hit the center circle.

"And you're telling me that you don't usually fight with a bow?" She asked.

I nodded. "I'm too slow with one. I'm a knife fighter." I rested my hand on the celestial bronze knife in it's sheath on my hip. She is trying to convert me. I thought, suppressing a smile. Being a daughter of Athena gave me quick wits and knowledge of warfare. Knife fighters have to be able to think on their feet-which I find myself doing quite often- and quick. I brushed my blonde hair out of my eyes and studied Katniss. She was my age with long dark hair, always in a braid. Grey eyes, like mine, calculating and surveying everything. We were the same height but she had olive skin, like her friend Gale, while I have tannish skin from living in district four. I definitely did not fit in here. Percy didn't either. We stuck out like a hydra in a market. That's to say-we stuck out a lot. trust me on this, hydras are easy to spot as is, but in a market it's simple.

"So what's your knife made of? I've never seen that metal before."she came over and stood next to me as I took out my knife, the blade glowing faintly.

"Celestial bronze. It's pretty rare. My friend gave it to me."I said friend carefully.

Luke Castellan, son of Hermes. I left him back in four. I'm almost positive that if Percy hadn't come into my life that Luke and I might have ended up together at some point. Percy and I were interesting cases. I had run from district one, way over by the Capitol. It seems like my entire life has been running.

I was seven when I ran away from one and when I reached four, Luke and a girl named Thalia and a boy-satyr- named Grover took me in. We lived in a more secluded part of four, close to the water. We shared a small house with quite a few other kids. It was cozy, but I finally felt like I could belong. I thought everything was perfect. I thought wrong. Within the next few days Thalia vanished and so did Grover. Luke and I tried our best to push them out of our memories so we wouldn't carry the burden but it never worked. I would always wonder what happened to them. Then Percy showed up-when I was twelve. He had come from a part of four that was quite a bit away. Atleast twenty five miles. He showed up, cut and bloody, tears streaming down his face, dragging an unconsious Grover behind him. Luke and I ran out into the storm and brought them both back into the house where Percy passed out. Luke took him to a spare room and laid him on the bed then he took Grover to his own bed. Together Luke and I nursed them both back to health and I began to fall for Percy. Then the two of us had run together.

"Who gave it to you? Was it Percy?" she looked intrigued. I smiled sadly.

"No. It was my friend Luke. He's back in four." I ran my fingers lightly over the blade, the dagger's weight familiar in my hand.

"Oh...."she said. I nodded. "There's something special about you Annabeth." I raised an eyebrow, not meeting her eyes.

"How so?"

"You seem so confident about everything. And you're exceptionally smart. It's not normal for a sixteen year old girl to know as much as you. And you ran from four. Teenagers don't just get up and leave their families." I flinched a little when she said that word. Families. My family didn't care about me. My mom, being Athena, never could talk with me. She wasn't allowed. My dad was back in one with my step-mom and two step brothers. Let's put it this way. My family is...complicated.

"And why isn't it natural?"I asked quickly glancing up at her. She had sat down on a log next to me.

"It isn't natural. Especially for a girl here in Panem. I mean, I know we go to school and everything but you know so much about everything!" She had a point. I knew things about ancient civilizations. Greece and Rome obviously, and also the nation called the United States of America which became Panem. I knew battle plans and was an expert on strategy and architecture. Not that that would ever get me anywhere.

"Annabeth!" I turned quickly to see Percy jogging over. His sea green eyes full of mischief and a crooked smile that made my heart beat a little faster. He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind and rested his chin on my shoulder. I breathed in the smell of the sea. Percy always smelled like the sea. Granted he is a son of Poseidon. He let go and sat down to my left and intertwined his fingers with mine. Katniss watched us closely with a perplexed look.

"I smelled the ocean. Do you smell it too? We're nowhere near the ocean. It's not possible."

"Yeah I smell it."I said quietly. Percy looked at me and I knew he was a little startled. I met his gaze.We should tell her. My look seemed to say. He nodded shortly after some pause.

"What?"Katniss asked, beginning to get defensive.

Here goes nothing. I thought as I dook a shaky breath, preparing myself for the flood of questions, and or the whole freaked out route.

"Katniss, we haven't told you everything about us. We have some things that we need to tell you."

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