Chapter Eleven

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Carrie and I over the next few days, spent all of our free time in the Library(I was surprised they had one. We had to get special permission), combing over the  demigod families in Panem, and just the families, trying to see if it was just a freak coincidence that we both looked pretty much identical and had the same birthday.

"Anything?" I asked her, leafing through a thick leather-bound volume. There were towers of books surrounding the two of us as we sat at a small table, almost like a fortress wall. The pages crackled as I turned them slowly, looking at the handwritten pages.

"No, nothing yet.. This is honestly kind of disappointing. We've looked through half the library and haven't found a single thing." She was clearly frustrated, running her hands through her golden curls and knotting her fingers among the spirals.

I studied her for a moment, taking in the curve of her forehead, nose and jaw. The way she was sitting, on the edge of the seat, elbows on the table, shoulders slumped over the book she was looking at. And I realized how much we really did look alike. Of course, I've only seen the reflection of myself in the mirror and in pictures, and watching re-runs of the Games..

"Maybe we're looking in the wrong places?" I slid my chair back and stood up, clutching the heavy volume I had been looking at before, to my chest.

'What do you mean by that, Chase?" She asked me, also standing up. She left her book sitting open on the table.

"We're looking at the mortal side of the demigod lineage. What if we were to look at the godly side of it?" I began to wander through the shelves, my index finger trailing along the dusty and cracking spines.

"You Anna, are a genius. True child of Athena."

"Well I'd hope I'd be smart enough to at least not bring shame to mom's name!"

Our eerily similar laughter filled the otherwise silent library.

"Here, Carrie take this back over to the table for me please? I don't know why I brought it. I'll keep searching."

"Okie dokie sis,"She replied taking the book from me and weaved her way back to the table.

It struck me as odd, her calling me sis, even though we technically were sisters through the same mom. Well... no.. more like cousins I guess. But the fact that she called me that hit me.

I looked at the spines and found to my surprise a bookcase, filled with books on just Athena. I found one called The Book of Athenian Lineage: Ancient to Present Day. It seemed too easy. I pulled the volume down from the shelf and found that it was a lot heavier than it looked. I took

it back up to where Carrie was sitting.

"Find something useful?" she inquired.

"Read the title and then you tell me."

She was quiet for a moment.

"Yep, I think this will be useful in our search for the truth." She said theatrically, making me laugh.

I flipped open the cover, finding that it was written in Ancient Greek.

"Thank the gods.." I whispered. "This is a lot easier to read." I skimmed my fingers over the brittle pages, treating them like butterflies' wings. Extremely delicate. Some of the letters had run together but I could still make out names. Mostly names I didn't recognize except for the Greek heroes from the myths who were children of Athena. As I flipped through the pages I started to see names like Sir Isaac Newton, Leonardo Da Vinci, Galileo, Thomas Edison and others like them. I also started to notice little asterisks (*) by names and at the bottom of the page was a note that said *related by blood. same mortal father.

Carrie, peering over my shoulder, gasped when she saw a familiar name. "That's my Grandad! And there's his best friend! They were related? I wonder if they ever knew!"

I had figured out that the more I flipped back, the newer the pages were. They weren't made of the brittle butterfly paper, as I called it. They were made of stronger stuff, and the handwriting was all different and in some places, varied between Greek and English. I flipped to the very last page that had been written on, and skimmed eagerly over the names. Sure enough, there my name was and... I couldn't believe my eyes. There was an asterisk by my name. I had a sister or a brother. Then I looked again. There were two asterisks! I looked hurriedly down to the bottom of the page.

** twin or possibly triplet. Unknown for certain which specifically. Same mortal father.

"Carrie," I breathed. "Look at the footnote."

She put her finger under the lines and read them, then met my gaze with the same wide eyed expression.

Could it be?

I glanced back to the page and found my name again. Running my finger down, I found to my surprise, two other names name with two asterisks.

Three? I thought confused. Then I realized what that meant. Triplets.

The Demigod Games- A Percy Jackson and Hunger Games Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now