Chapter Fifteen

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As we walked back to our hallways, I wondered what you all probably are. Artemis, Hera? How can they have kids? They were sworn to be maiden right? Well as it turns out, if they can't decide which child you are, it's easier to pick a maiden godess than to try to send you back to your district. After Carrie had told me what I needed to know, she kept rambling on about what she was going to do and how horrible this was going to be. I blocked her out not wanting to deal with the impending heartbreak.

Percy came to find me, weaving between the people yelling out my name. I hate to admit this, but I ignored him.

"Annabeth please!" He begged running after me as I tried to out-weave him. I just wanted to be alone. Knowing that I'd have to kill either him or Carrie? And if I didn't, that someone else would and it could be the whole Ryan situation all over again.

Don't slow down. Don't let him catch you. Get to your room.

"Annabeth!" Percy said as he grabbed the back of my shirt, pulling me backwards so hard that I stumbled into his chest.

"Percy let me go." I said my voice deadly calm.

"Annabeth listen to me. We will be okay. We'll get through this and will both be okay."

"You really believe that? Well news flash Seaweed Brain, the Games don't work like that." I said harshly, not really caring at that point. I struggled to get out of his grasp but instead he wrapped his arms around me until I stopped squirming around. Then he picked me up and carried me out onto the terrace overlook that I had playfully dangled off of just a short time before, the whole time I was hitting his back and trying to wriggle free.

He set me down and forced me to look at him.

"You've been in the arena before. I know that. You've seen things nobody ever should have to. Now you'll be back in there. And I'll be in there too. And so will Carrie. So, you could do a few things. Either shut us all out completely and just let someone kill you as soon as you get into the arena, go after everyone and kill them, not caring about your safety. You could leave Carrie and I to figure all of this out on our own. Or, you could help us so we have a better shot at all making it out alive!" His voiced raised towards the end of his small speech, until he was yelling, his hands clamped onto my shoulders.

The words didn't sink in. I stared at him blankly not knowing what to feel.

"C'mon A.. I know you're in there. I need you.. Carrie needs you.." He plead quietly.

I looked down at the ground and kicked at some loose pieces with the toe of my Converse.

"Percy I'm at a loss.. Only one person will win. One. I'm going to never see either you nor Carrie ever again, do you understand that?.. I held Ryan as he died in my arms. I don't want to go through that again with one of you two.." I'd choke out, trying to hold back the waves of tears building in my eyes.

"I'm going to get the three of us out, okay?" he said, tipping my face up to try to get me to look at him. I'd avoid his eyes, looking into the space above his right ear as his hand would cup my cheek.

"You.. you can't." I said as my voice broke and I turned quickly away from him trying to escape.

"I can and I will. You might be a daughter of Athena but you're not the only smart one." he said grabbing my hand and pulling me back to him. I burried my face into his chest, silent sobs wracking my body.

"Shhh.. It's okay. We'll make it, I promise." he said, smoothing my hair with one hand, holding me close to his body with the other.

"Hey! What are you two doing out here?" I heard Dr. Carter shout at us.

"Sorry, sir." Percy sneered, leading me inside but keeping me close to his side. "I'll walk you to your room. I want you to think positive. Make plans. Get yourself prepared. You'll be perfectly fine." he whispered to me.

I'd nod in response, not really knowing what else to do. We'd walk along the deserted halls, the only sounds being the flourescent lights overhead, the soft tread of our shoes on the tile, and the occasional sniffle from me.

When we got to the room, I clung to him. "Don't let me go.. Please Percy don't leave me.." I begged, body wracking with new sobs as I'd hold tightly to his tshirt. I was beyond embarrassed because I very rarely cried, especially not like this, but I didn't care.

I heard the door to the room opening and felt hands on my arms and around my waist starting to pull me back into the room.

"It's okay Annabeth, you'll see him tomorrow," I heard Carrie say, pulling at my shoulders.

"Annabeth let go of Percy. You're alright. He's alright." Nate added in, pulling at my waist, trying to seperate me from Percy.

"No!"I choked out,"No let go of me! Percy don't go!.." I gasped as I'd feel his arms slipping away from around me.

"I love you Annabeth. I'll see you in the morning." he said as he wiped tears off my face. Then he kissed me lightly before pushing me gently away from him.

I felt Nate's arms around my waist as he lead me back into the room, but I was too numb and heartbroken to process anything. Carrie was running her fingers through my hair and rubbing my back but I didn't care. I just wanted Percy. Because I had a feeling that the next time I saw him, it'd be in the arena.

The intercom crackled to life, and Dr. Carter's voice filled the room.

"Congratulations tributes! It is a great honor that you will be placed into the arena! Tomorrow you will stay seperated by godly parent to begin your training. The day of the games you will have one hour to be with whomever you would like to be with, as long as they're here in the facility of course. You will find uniforms outside of your doors in the morning if you have a roommate that will be participating in the games. That is all."

After the loud voice of Dr. Carter, the silence was deafening. I would have an hour with Percy before going in. As that thought crossed my mind I snapped out of the whining and crying. I knew what I had to do. What children of Athena do best. Plan for battle.

The Demigod Games- A Percy Jackson and Hunger Games Fan FictionDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora