Chapter Four

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No. It's not possible. It can't be. Percy's name was called. I saw the Peacekeepers pushing him forward towards the stage. I could see how scared he was, and that he was doing everything he could to hide it. In a daze I ran forward.

"Percy!"I screamed running forward. Someone grabbed my arm and held me back. I turned around to see Madge, holding my wrist. I tried to pull it free.

"Annabeth stop. You're just going to make it worse on him."she told me.

I nodded and felt the tears trailing down my cheeks. I wiped them away quickly and turned to see him standing up on the stage, his dark hair tousled in the wind. I met his green eyes. He forced a smile, trying to be brave. I smiled back, knowing exactly what he was feeling. I remembered walking up to the stage, terrified, thinking that I was going to die, right then, but forcing a brave smile for the sake of my friends. I remembered seeing all of my friends out in the crowd, most of them had began to cry and it had made it hard for me. I wiped the tears away and took a deep breath.

"So Perseus, is that your girlfriend?"Effie asked him.

"It's Percy, and yes, she is."he said, not taking his eyes off me. I smiled a little.

"That's too bad. Unless we have a volunteer, you'll be put in the Arena."she told him.

"Yeah...."he said quietly into the mic.

"So what's her name?"Effie sounded curious. She knew full well who I was. She had been staring at me for a while now.

"Annabeth Chase."he said, smiling when he said my name.

"Really? She's a victor from Four from four years ago. What's she doing here?"Effie asked.

"Here, Annabeth why don't you come up here dear."

I looked back at Madge who nodded. I took another breath and walked out of the group of girls, and up to the stage. The wind blew my curls over my shoulders and as I climbed up the stairs I got flashbacks of walking up the set of stairs four years ago. Percy hugged me tightly, his arms around my neck. He buried his face in my neck and kissed it lightly. I buried my face in his shoulder, breathing in the smell of the ocean. He was so familiar. So solid, and reassuring. I pulled back and Percy kept his fingers intertwined with mine.

"So what brought you to Twelve?"Effie asked me.

"It's a really long story, and it's a little confusing."I said shrugging,"And pretty boring. I'm not all that interesting." I didn't want to explain, because you're not legally supposed to switch districts but my mom did a few tricks and convinced some people to let me.

"I see. So in a few moments I'll ask for a volunteer. What would you do if nobody volunteered for him?"she asked me. I focused on Percy's strong hand and looked out over the crowd. Stay strong.

"Honestly? I would try to tell him everything I know about how to survive. And I wouldn't believe it, that he would be taken from me. But Finnick and Annie from back in Four? This happened to them so why shouldn't it happen to us? Finnick was taken from her and I just remember that she wasn't the same when he was gone. I couldn't believe that they would take Finnick from her but now they're trying to take Percy from me." I tried to play the strong but sort of sappy card, hoping that I might get some sympathy.

"How cute are they?"Effie asked, pretending to wipe tears away. It wasn't even that sad!

Nobody said anything. After a few moments Effie continued,"So do we have any volunteers?"

Percy pulled me against him again. He put his hands on my cheeks and kissed my forehead then rested his against mine, his hands moving to my back. I wrapped my arms around his back. My heart was hammering in my chest. I put my hand over Percy's heart and looked at him. His eyes were closed and his lips were pressed together in a line.

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