8 ✡︎ Train

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Beast Boy
Riding with Terra on the rock felt... different.
All the feelings he remembered feeling were still there for her just... weaker.

He didn't know what had changed but... he was definitely confused.

"Let's get out of here." Terra whispered in his ear. Before he could respond, she was flying the rock higher and higher and farther and farther away from the broken bridge, so far they could no longer hear Robins distant yells and commands.

The view was beautiful. They were soaring so high in the clouds that the ground was no longer visible. It was amazing.

Terras hair whipped rapidly as they soared faster and faster through the clouds. He wanted to stay there forever with her. He grabbed her hand to keep his balance as they flew, and he blushed when she looked back at him with a smile.

"Terra..." He whispered in her ear. "I-"

"Hush." She said putting a finger on his lips. Don't speak. Just close your eyes."

He did. His heart pounding so loudly he was worried she could hear it.

Suddenly, she was so close he could feel her breath on his cheeks.

"I know you want me Beast Boy. Just as much as I want you."

Suddenly he felt like he couldn't breathe. He didn't know what he wanted.  All he wanted was to get off that rock. "Terra I-"

A scream interrupted him before he could finish.

He gasped.


He jumped off the rock and turned into a pterodactyl as fast as he possibly could.


He tucked his wings in and let himself free fall.

"RAVEN!" He screamed.

He wouldn't be able to live with himself if something had happened to her.

She's going to be okay she's going to be okay. He told himself over and over again.

She had to be.

After Terra had taken off with Beast Boy, Robin had yelled numerous not-so-nice words in attempts to call them back, none of which had worked.

The train had come a lot faster than anyone had expected, and without Terra there to create a bridge, the Titans were left to stop it on their own.

The thing was, it wasn't just an ordinary train. The train driver wasn't a regular train driver. In fact, he wasn't a train driver at all.

Whatever he, or it was, it was dangerous. At the first sight of the Titans, earsplitting gunshots had echoed all throughout the woods.

Laser beams cut through each train rail, deteriorating it even faster than it already was.

That's not good. Raven had thought, trying to remain calm as the train drew closer.

"Robin, what do we do?" Starfire had asked frantically taking cover as to avoid the non-visible but horrifyingly loud, gunshots.

"Star- you hold off the laser beams. Cyborg- evacuate the people as fast as you can. I'll hold off the train driver and Raven you-"

Before he could finish, the train was in sight- laser beams shooting towards the Titans at lightning fast speeds.

Before any of them could react, the ground shook as the bean hit, just inches away from their feet.

The force of the impact pushed the Titans back, having them land somewhere in the woods.

Starfire and Raven held themselves aloft and started to fly at high speed toward the train.

"Starfire! Evacuate the people!" Raven yelled. "I'll take care of the train!"

There was no time to retrieve Robin and Cyborg- wherever they had landed.

"It's time to end this." Raven whispered speeding towards the front of the train. It's speed kept increasing rapidly, the edge of the broken bridge growing increasingly close.

Raven took a deep breath and summoned all of the power she had within her. She felt her body shake with power, every part of her glowing with dark energy.

The train grew closer. Closer.

Suddenly, she was being shook back to reality, someone shaking her shoulders.


Raven opened her eyes. Starfire was there, shaking her shoulders roughly.

"Starfire I was just about to keep the train from falling into abyss!" Raven said pushing Starfire away.

"Raven we need to run." she said grabbing her hand and attempting to pull her away.

"Wait- no what do you mean? We have to save the people Starfire, we can't just abandon them!"

"Raven please we need to-"


Raven and Starfire turned to see where the voice was coming from, and before they could react a beam of light shot out and hit Raven straight in the heart.

She screamed in agony as as she felt all the power drain out of her.

The train! People... bad bad driver.... her mind yelled from somewhere.

No! No no no... the magic...

"RAVEN!" yelled a voice from somewhere above her.

Beast Boy? Wait! I can't leave yet! Beast Boy....

Her mind faded even further into an abyss.
Please. It whispered. Let him stay.

And then it slept.

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