3 ✡︎ Return

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Beast Boy
Everything happened so fast.

Too fast.

One second Raven was inches from being crushed by a giant stone, the next, everything was dead silent. All of the rocks frozen in place, like a perfect picture.

Except that it wasn't.

Before Beast Boy could take in anything that had just happened, he saw her.

Her blonde hair flailing everywhere, eyes painted a glowing yellow, arms raised in the air.



"Thank you for your kindness young man," said the old lady slung around his shoulder. "I don't think we would've survived without-"

"Anytime! Uh, your welcome!" Beast Boy interrupted setting her down.
Seconds later, he was running. His feet splashing water this way and that, as he sprinted.


He turned into a cheetah so he could run faster, faster,  faster.
"TERRA!!!" He yelled. "It's me Beast Boy!!!"

His paws pounded the ground as he got closer, closer, closer.

He could just see her, her bright blonde hair gleaming just over the edge of the cliff, as he turned back into himself and climbed.

Cmon Beast Boy FASTER!!!!

He reached up to grab the next rock, but before he could climb any further he felt his hand lose its grip.


His hand slipped.


He fell, faster and faster down the side of the cliff.

The rocks began to move all of a sudden, their statue-like trance dissipating as they started the fall.

I'M GONNA GET CRUSHED!!! Beast Boys mind screamed as rock after rock hit his body, and crashed into his face.

Transform, idiot TRANSFORM! his instincts screamed.

No, sleeeeeep, breathed his mind.

No, NO! He tried to yell but no sound came out.

Then everything faded to black.

"Whey didn't he just change into a bird or something?" Cyborg asked, poking Beast Boys arm.

"I don't know Cyborg, and we won't be able to find anything out until he wakes up." Robin said, swatting Cyborgs hand away.

The Titans were all gathered around the bed that they used for medical necessities, with Cyborg running tests to figure out what was wrong with Beast Boy.

Raven shivered as the memory waltzed back into her thoughts for the 5000th time.

She stared at the girl in front of her. "What are you doing here?! How are you...?"

Terras eyes regained their color as she set the rocks down. She smirked.
"You looked like you could use some help."


"I... was preoccupied," Terra replied, calmly turning away.

"TERRA! It's me, Beast Boy!" Beast Boy yelled somewhere in the distance.

"Why couldn't you remember Beast Boy?" Raven asked regaining her calm. "You said you didn't know who he was. That you didn't even know he EXISTED. What about that?"

Terra looked uneasy. "I did what I had to do- for other people, and for myself."

"Always looking out for number one huh?" Raven said gloweringly.

"I saved your life! And your friends' too."

"Oh how could I forget? Let us reminisce, yes? You also betrayed us, joined Slade, tried to kill Robin, who tried to take you in and make you a titan, Starfire, who was overjoyed every time she saw you, Cyborg, who welcomed you into the tower, just as graciously, oh and Beast Boy too. Who, by the way, showed you the most affection that anyone ever could've. You tried to kill them all. And if you had succeeded? If Beast Boy hadn't been there to convince you to change your ways? Then what would've happened?"

Raven could see Terra wiping away tears despite the pouring rain. "It wasn't my fault! I had to. You wouldn't understand," she hissed. "None of you would. You never did. Not even Beast Boy, who said he cared, that he would be my friend no matter what. He LIED. All of you did. And you can't expect me to just let that go."

Suddenly, the rocks were falling. With all her rage, she had lost concentration.

Raven glared daggers at her. It took all of her willpower to not go and strangle her until her little head popped off. "You're going to be sorry you ever-"

"NO!"a scream somewhere near the cliff side interrupted her. "TERRA!!!"

"Sorry Raven, but someone's calling for me, and I don't have time for useless detours." Terra said calling the rocks back for her to jump on.

Raven seethed with anger. Terra may have saved many lives. She may have sacrificed herself for the world at one point. She may have even been her... friend. But no one EVER said bad things about Ravens friends and got away with it.


Raven conjured all of her strength and she zoomed down, down, down, the cliff. She dodged all of the rocks that Terra threw at her, and she blasted them to smithereens right in her face.

She could see him. His green skin somehow looking colorless in the rain.

Beast boy... this is for you. I'm sorry.

And with that last thought, Raven aimed her magic at a rock by Terras head, and she blasted it with a giant black blast, making Terra lose her concentration and fly off to who knows where, clinging to her rock screaming.

Raven knew Beast Boy would kill her if he figured out what she had just done to Terra.

Despite that, Raven flew down as fast as she could, the wind urging her to go faster, faster. She stretched out her arms as far as they would go, and she caught Beast Boy just before he crashed to the ground.

She flew back to the tower, in the wet rain, as Beast Boy lay in her arms. She wiped his drenched green hair out of his closed eyes, and she ripped off part of her cloak to help stop his cuts from bleeding.

"I'm sorry." She whispered.

"But NO ONE can say and do those things to you and get away with it. Not even someone you love Beast Boy."

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