9 ✡︎ Sleep

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Beast Boy
"That doesn't make any sense!"

"Beast Boy calm down."

"No! This wasn't an accident okay? Somethings not right!"

He ran his fingers through his hair aggravatedly.

By the time he had reached where the scream had originated from, he had been too late. The train had exploded after giving off the powerful blast- almost like it had wanted the events to play out like they did.

"Why would it risk everything just to take hit her?" Beast Boy yelled.

"Why'd they do it all, to end up losing everything?" He screamed.

"WHY?" He punched the wall in anger.

"Beast Boy calm down!" Robin yelled pinning his arms to the wall.

He screamed and thrashed, trying to kick him off.
He didn't stop. He was so angry he wanted to kill every person who did it to her. And nothing would stop him.

"You need to relax or you could end up hurting someone!" Robin yelled.

"You could end up hurting her!"

Beast Boy stopped.

He let himself go limp, and Robin released him. His whole body sunk to the ground with exhaustion, and pain.

"I hate them." He whispered, putting his head in his hands.

"I hate whoever did this."

"I want them dead."

"Wake up!" Said a voice.

Raven opened her eyes. "Who are you?" She asked.

"I don't know. Who are you?"

"I... I'm..."

Raven had no answer.

Who was she?

"You know not of who you are, but what you want is clear."

Raven shook her head. "I don't know what I want. I don't even know who I am."

The voice spoke again, this time softer. "Who have you watched every day, in hopes that you would be chosen?"

Raven thought about it, and looked away.

"Who have you thought relentlessly about, wondering if you'd ever be good enough?"

Raven closed her eyes, a single year slipping down her cheeks. "He'd never want me."

"Then why is he waiting for you to wake up? Why has he been sitting by your bedside for days wishing, hoping, that you'd be okay?"

Raven looked up. "Show him to me."

"Only you have the power to do that." The voice said.

"Just open your eyes."

Raven gasped and sat up, the blood rushing through her body so quickly she almost screamed.

"Hey, hey Raven it's going to be okay." Said a voice.

She knew that voice.

It was the voice she longed for.

Lived for.

"Just... rest a little okay? I'll stay with you I promise."


I've never been able to do that before.

She knew her father and her fears would haunt her nightmares the moment she slept. But she was too tired to fight it anymore.

"Thank you...." she whispered, unsure if it was said aloud or just in her head.

"I love you."

Beast Boy
"SHES OKAY! SHES OKAY!!" Beast boy chanted, dancing around the living room happily.

"Slow down Beast Boy." Robin said gently. "That blast that hit her... wasn't something that will hit without a mark. We need to study her and make sure she doesn't have any life lasting damage."

"Robin why do you have to kill the mood? Just relaxxxx dude. Celebrate the good times and focus on the negative later."

He sighed. "I suppose it is pretty lucky that she woke up. I just hope...." He didn't finish his sentence.

Beast Boy looked away. "I'm gonna go check on her. I promise I won't wake her up."

He left the room before Robin could respond. Ravens soft voice echoed through his head.

Over the past few days, she had said numerous things during her sleep, all of which had made no sense.

Most of it was gibberish, but sometimes she would even start screaming. But Beast Boy would take her hand, and eventually she would calm down.

"Thank you." She had whispered.

"I love you."

She probably wasn't talking to me. She didn't even know I was there... she was probably dreaming about something. He thought.

He stepped into her chamber. They had made the decision to move her to her bed so she would be comfortable while she slept.

He stepped a foot closer, until he could see her short violet hair, and snow-white skin.

She's so beautiful.

She was.

The past few days had been some of the hardest in his life.

There had been times when he'd thought she wouldn't wake up.

And it would be all his fault.

Because he hadn't been there to save her.

He reached out, and brushed the violet locks out of her face.

She would never want me. His mind whispered.

"Beast Boy?"

Beast Boy yanked his hand away, startled by her sudden awakening.

"Oh uh, hi Raven!" He said awkwardly waving onr of his hands.

"I was just uh, checking to see if you had a fever or anything haha!" He said rapidly.

He felt her forehead. "Yep all good! Looks like you're doing better!"

She blinked. "Thank you..." She said with a small smile. "I don't know what I'd do without you Beast Boy."

He swore he melted a little. "Of course! Uh, anytime! I'm gonna go uh, make you some tea! I'll see you soon!"

And with that he rushed out of the room, wondering what the hell had gotten into him.

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