13 ✡︎ Lovely

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Beast Boy
His mind was racing. One second he was in his room, the next he wasn't. He was in a dark dark, place. Darker than any place he'd ever ventured into before. Not just the room was dark, it felt dark.

And not just "no light" dark.

More like this is where murder happens dark.

Terra caressed his cheek and pushed him gently against a wall. Her long beautiful blonde hair had gotten longer over time, reaching just past her waist. It fell in front of her face and she waited, as if expecting for him to brush it out of the way.

He didn't.

"You used to love me." she whispered. "What happened?" before he could answer, he noticed she had tears running down her cheeks.

"Why?!" she cried, pulling away. "I had you. I had everything. And I threw it all away." She put her face in her hands. "I'm sorry Beast Boy. I'm really, really sorry."

He didn't know what to say. The girl he had once called a monster looked so... human.

She sobbed, and he wrapped his arms around her. "It's okay,"  he said. "It's okay."

"No it's not!" she cried pulling away, and staring at him with bloodshot eyes. "I did it again. You don't understand!"

"What do you mean?" He asked, confused.

"It was me!" She screamed. "I sent the rocks! I sent them so I could save you. So that maybe... doing something good like that would have everyone forgive me." She turned around and faced the wall, tears dripping down her face.

"But Raven came. She didn't trust me. Didn't want me back. I understand why now," she said bitterly. "She hit me with her magic and... caught you before you hit the ground."

"Raven saved me?" Beast Boy whispered.

Terra glared at him. "She didn't tell you?"

"No I- no one did. I... thought it was you."

She laughed. "Now that would be lovely. But alas, wonderful sweet Raven had to come steal everything from me once again."

"Don't talk about her like that!" Beast Boy yelled angrily. "She did it for a reason. Raven is the least selfish person in the whole damn world."

"Of course she is." Terra scoffed. "Which is why she decided to hurt me in order to save you.

"She didn't trust you to catch me!" He screamed. "You could've let me hit the damn ground for gods sake!"

"Beast Boy I loved you!" she screamed turning around to face him. "Love does that to you. It hurts you. Makes you do stupid things. Why else would I have sacrificed myself to destroy Slade? I loved him too. But I realized it was wrong. I fell in love with you. I sacrificed myself so you could live Beast Boy. I would never have wished harm on you, ever." She wiped her eyes, attempting to stop the waterfall of tears rushing down her cheeks.

"That's why I pretended not to recognize you at the school. You were better without me. All of you were. But time went on and... I couldn't live like that anymore. The memories blazed in my head like an ever lasting blaze of pain, and I sent the rocks."

Beast Boys head was spinning. All this time... she had been watching. Waiting. Waiting for the right time to waltz back into their lives. But... she did it all... because of love.

He couldn't stay mad at her for that. "Terra I-"

"Shut up." She snapped. "I don't need, or want your forgiveness or words of pity. My life has never been perfect. Neither have I. I haven't even been close to making it to half perfect no matter how hard I try. I was done running after a false hope, a distant dream. So I sent the train. I sent it to take Ravens demon half."

Beast Boys heart raced when he heard her name. Raven. Her sweet herbal scent, her beautiful violet locks, her midnight purple eyes, marked his brain like a tattoo.

Terra observed him, she saw his eyes widen and the look on his face. The look of love. She looked away. "I wanted to take her powers for myself." she continued. "Take her place on the team once she was deemed useless. Little did I know nothing would change. And even less..." She said, her vogue fading.

"That you would fall in love with her."

Beast Boys heart stopped. "How did you know?" he whispered.

"Everyone knew." She said with an eye roll. "Everyone but you dumbass."

His mind raced. The feelings as if he was... caught.

I'm in love with Raven.

Everything fell together. His heart racing when she hugged him. The anger and pain when he thought she might not wake up. The lasting memory of their first hug. Why he had felt so uncomfortable with Terra on the rock.

He loved her.

He had always loved her.

Terras eyes narrowed and she pinned him to the wall with rocks, her eyes glowing a vibrant yellow. "It was always her." she hissed, pressing the rocks harder against his body. "Why aren't you turning into something?" she growled, pushing the rocks down harder.

"Because," he choked. "You don't scare me. You're hurt."

He expected her to push the rocks down harder, scream in fury, but what came out of her mouth was-

A laugh. A full stomach laugh, as if he had just said the funniest joke in the world.

"You- think- I'm- hurt?" she wheezed.

"You said this was all because of love." Beast Boy answered quietly.

She laughed harder, leaving Beast Boy to simply watch her as she cackled. "Oh sweet, sweet Beast Boy," she laughed. "I've always loved you." She got up right in front of his face, so close their noses were almost touching.

"But I hate Raven more."

And with that, she tossed him into the dark cavern, tying his hands and feet together, and creating a cage out of rocks. She finished it off by planting a device on the front.

"That's so you can't turn into any animals." She said, stalking away with a wink.

"I'm not scared of you Terra." Beast Boy said. "You have a good heart. If you didn't, you wouldn't be able to love like you can."

She stopped. "I used to love, Beast Boy." she whispered. "But love... it hurts. Too much."

And with that she was gone. "Isn't it lovely?" she said from somewhere distant.

"Lovely, indeed."

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