5 ✡︎ Breakfast

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"Stop!!! Please don't hurt them!" Raven pleaded.

"You do not tell me what to do daughter." He boomed- his words shaking the ground beneath her.

He reached out a giant arm, and he flicked Raven across the street, far enough so that she couldn't get back to him in time.

"You're useless to them daughter. You've never been able to be who you truly are, and you cannot even express to them how you feel. Is that how you want to live your life? Alone? With no one that cares about you?"

"Stop!" Raven choked, throwing her hands over her head.

"They never cared about you. They don't understand you like I do. Without me- you're nothing."


"Thats- not- true!" Raven struggled to say.
It was true. But she couldn't let him win.
She couldn't.


"Just don't- hurt- my friends!" Raven yelled.


Raven gasped and almost fell out of bed. Beast Boy was calling her name.

"Ravennnn it's time for breakfast." Said Beast Boy again from outside her door.

"Okay." She replied rubbing her eyes.

Dreams of Trigon haunted her almost every night, and at the point she was at now she wasn't even sure which were real, and which were fake, which would happen and which were just nightmares.

They have to be just bad dreams. I defeated him before and I can do it again if I have to.

Eventually, Raven climbed out of bed and dragged her feet down the stairs to breakfast.

Beast Boy
"Okay Titans!" Beat boy said rubbing his hand together excitedly. "Feast your eyes on the Titans Breakfast Menu! Today we are serving-"

"BACON and sausages with extra greasy goodness" Cyborg interrupted pushing Beast Boy to the side, "Plus some divine eggs from real chickens over by-"

"TOFU EGGS AND VEGAN BACON AND SAUSAGES from- uh- a vegan market place!" Beast Boy concluded, showing Robin, Starfire, and Raven his breakfast creation.

"No one wants your vegan market tofu eggs," Cyborg argued. "Ya gatta have the meat and eggs from real animals or it tastes artificial and fake."

"I've been most of those animals!" Beast boy shot back, pointing to Cyborgs frying pan.

"Yes- and they are the delicious!" Starfire said chewing the bacon Cyborg had prepared.

"No one wants my amazing tofu eggs?" Beast Boy asked, showing them all the eggs he had perfected. "Star? Raven?"

"I respect that you don't eat meat. Please-"

"Yeah yeah, respect you don't eat fake meat. Fine." He sat down next to Raven and smiled at her, and to his surprise, she smiled back.

The tower fell into its usual morning conversation hum as the Titans ate breakfast and laughed.

Beast Boy couldn't help but notice that Raven seemed a little off, despite the rare smile she had given him.
"Hey Raven- everything ok?" Beast Boy asked turning his head to face her.

She met his eyes for half a second before looking back down at her plate. "Yeah I'm fine. Just didn't sleep well."

Beast Boy was smart enough to know that she wasn't fine and that he probably shouldn't pry.

But he wasn't that smart.

"Raven what's wrong? You can talk to me." She looked up and saw the sincerity in his eyes, and for a moment, she looked like she was going to tell him.


Knock Knock.

The Titans turned their heads to the sound, but saw nothing. It was coming from outside.

Beast Boy went to look out the window but he didn't see anything.

Just as he was about to shrug it off, the elevator door opened.

There she stood.

It was... her.

She smiled with one hand on her hip, giving them a friendly wave with the other.

"Hey guys. Did you miss me?"

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