6 ✡︎ Blonde

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Starfire gasped. Cyborg dropped the eggs.

Nobody moved.

Oh. My. God.

There she stood, one hand on her hip while the other gave a wave.


"Hey guys. Did you miss me?"

Beast Boy was first to escape the shock that had plastered itself all over their faces.
"Terra?! I- how- I thought that..."

Terra smiled and walked a little closer to him— Raven didn't miss the fact that she kept her distance from her.

Good. That witch better not come anywhere near me or my friends or I'll-

"Things change Beast Boy." Terra said interrupting her thoughts. "So have I."

She took another step closer to Beast Boy, beginning to open up her arms for a hug.

Raven reacted faster then Beast Boy could- she stood up and slapped Terras hands away before she could take another step towards him.

"You think you can just waltz into our tower and pretend like everything's just peachy? You've put us through enough trauma and if you think for second that we'd ever-"

Beast Boy put his hand on Ravens shoulder. "Raven maybe we should just let her-"

"NO! She's a liar and a traitor and she hasn't changed. She doesn't deserve another chance. We've given her more than enough."

"But Raven even through everything she still-"

"No, Raven's right Beast Boy." Terra said, giving the fakest sad face Raven had ever seen. "I've done some horrible things in the past. It's so hard to live with myself knowing how much of a monster I really am. I'm not asking for you to take me in again. I just wanted to tell you all that if you ever need a new Titan- or if you simply just need a friend, I'll always be here."

"But how did you even manage to escape?" Robin asked, ignoring Terras sob story.

"Yeah you were a pretty solid statue last time we checked," Cyborg jumped in. "And when Beast Boy saw you at the high school, you acted like you didn't even know him."

"I know it's probably really hard for you guys to trust me right now, I barely trust myself after everything that's happened." Terra said. She paused to "regain herself" and Raven had to really restrain herself from rolling her eyes.

"After I turned into a horrible stone statue," Terra said, clearly trying to remind them that she had "sacrificed herself for the greater good," or whatever, "I tried so hard to use my powers to crack the rocks and escape. Nothing worked. I couldn't feel anything- it felt like I was dreaming. A dream where I remembered everything that had happened, but I just couldn't wake up."

"But Terra, you were trapped inside of a solid piece of volcanic stone, how is it possible you could have escaped?" Starfire asked.

If Starfire was skeptical of Terra, then something was clearly wrong.

"Despite being in a dreamlike trance, I still was able to control the rocks. They wouldn't listen to me for months. Every day I kept trying and trying to break free, they got a little stiffer, locking me in place even more, until one day, I stopped. I gave up on the rocks and accepted my fate. But just as I was about to fall into a permanent sleep, a memory triggered. It was of us. Of you guys. All the times you had been there for me, everything we had gone through together, I remembered it all in that moment, and all of a sudden I felt a feeling I hadn't felt in a long time."

She looked up, trying to be more dramatic and believable, most likely.
"Happiness. And with that power, I could bend the rocks slightly more every day, until after two years of trying, I finally broke free."

"That's a lie!" Raven yelled standing up ready to strangle her. If Beast Boy hadn't held her back, Terras head would most likely be through the ceiling.

"If you had gotten out so soon, why wait until now to come find us? Why pretend Beast Boy didn't even exist after that?"

"Raven calm down its okay," Beast Boy said soothingly. "Let's just hear her out and-"

"You wouldn't have even had to be a statue in the first place had you not joined Slade and thrown away the people who could have even been your friends!" Raven interrupted. "You had choices Terra. But you had to go and ruin everything!"

"If you would just listen I-"

"TITANS!" Robin said interrupting Terra mid plea. "As much as we need this little "catchup session", there's a crime alert on the jump city railway. The tracks over the bridge broke, with the train on the brink of speeding over the cliff!"

"I can help!" Terra piped up.

Figures. Raven thought glowering at her. "We can manage just fine on our-"

"Actually- Terras powers might be able to help with this mission." Cyborg said.

"She can control the rocks over the cliff side and perhaps, create a bridge to the other side." Starfire agreed.

"Then it's settled. But this is just for today- at least until we can figure everything out." Robin concluded.

And with that, he, Starfire, Cyborg, and Beast Boy charged out of the room.

Raven was about to follow, when she felt a hand grip her shoulder tightly.

"They might take your word over mine Raven, but let's see how it plays out. After all..." She said deviously. "I am the one who won over Beast Boys heart."

"What does that even have to do with anything?" Raven hissed, slapping Terras hand off her shoulder.

Terra smirked. "Oh Raven. I think we both know the answer to that."

And with that she stalked out of the room, leaving Raven to glare daggers at her long blonde hair, hoping that real daggers might somehow appear and throw themselves through her head.

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