7 ✡︎ Ride

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Beast Boy
The car ride to the Jump City Railway was beyond awkward. Cyborg was driving, Robin and Starfire squished together in the passenger seat, and Beast Boy, Raven, and Terra sat in the back, with Beast Boy somehow placed in between the two.

It was a silent car ride, everyone either stuck in their thoughts, or simply not wanting to make conversation. Raven spent the ride glaring out the window, and Robin had his eyebrows scrunched together in thought, most likely trying to come up with a plan. Cyborg concentrated on the road (and controlled the music), which left Beast Boy, Starfire, and Terra, to ultimately say, and do, nothing.

Perhaps they were lost in thought too, because Beast Boys mind was spinning in circles which he couldn't get to slow down.

How did he really feel about Terra returning? He had missed her so much, and he had even cried over her just nights before. Did things really change that much in just a few days?

He couldn't deny the fact that part of his heart still belonged to her, but he couldn't hide from himself that the piece of her that had enveloped his heart for so long, was shrinking.

Maybe he was just so used to her being gone, that her coming back was something he needed to get used to, adapt to.

Or maybe... something about the way he saw her had changed.

Eventually, Starfire who clearly couldn't take the silence anymore, broke the ice wave that had overcome the car. "Terra, as you did not escape the prison of rock most recently, where have you been spending your time?"

Terra looked up suddenly, thousands of different emotions splattered on her face at once. Surprise? Annoyance? Fear? Whatever it was, she shook them off as quickly as they had appeared.
"Oh, uh, you know, just livin the dream." She laughed awkwardly, which made the car feel even smaller.

"Have you not been lonely?" Starfire continued, trying to keep the conversation going, either that or she wanted information on Terra just as much as everyone else. "Is this "livin the dream" thing a solitary activity?"

"Oh, well actually, I've been trying cope with the fears and anxieties that come with being trapped in a rock and manipulated by a middle aged man trying to kill your friends and the one you love."

Everyone tensed at that. Beast Boys heart raced and sunk and the same time.

Did she really mean that?

Did she... love him?

The car was silent again after that, and even Starfire didn't try to start up conversation again.

As much as he missed her and wanted her to be with them, part of Beast Boys head was yelling, "would it be like this if she wasn't here right now? Would it be this... awkward? Silent? Uncomfortable?"

He wasn't sure. But the majority of his brain was circling around the much bigger question: "did he love her?"

He wasn't sure, once again. And his brain hurt from all the questions that circled his mind.

Thinking was confusing.

That's why he didn't like to do it much.

After the eternities of silence that Beast Boy was certain wasn't actually 5 minutes, Cyborg announced that they had arrived at the railway. Once the car pulled to a stop, they all scrambled to get out of the car as fast as humanely possible.

When did car rides become so hard?

After the horror of a car ride they all had to endure, no thanks to Terra, the car finally stopped beside the railway.

Raven jumped out and was horrified by the sight. Robin was right- the bridge was split down the middle. Any train that came across it would surely plummet to its demise.

"Why can't we just call the train dudes and tell them that the bridge broke so they can just stop?" Beast Boy asked.

"We tried." Cyborg answered answered. "After the storm yesterday all forms of contact were wiped out. Nothing and no one can tell them somethings wrong.

"Looks like we're going to have to do this the hard way then." Beast Boy said, bouncing at the tips of his toes. "So what's the plan Robin?"

"Go go GO!!!" Terra exclaimed jumping off the cliffs edge.

The Titans gasped and raced to the edge of the cliff.

Terra laughed and rose aloft a giant boulder. "Cmon there's not much time! The trains bound to be here soon and we need to get the bridge ready!"

"Can we not simply fly back and warn the train of the bridge?" Starfire asked.

"No driver." Robin said. "That's why this is so crucial. The driver jumped shift because he knew about the bridges collapse. It's a murder mission!"

"LETS MOVE!" Terra exclaimed, stacking rock by rock on top of one another. "We don't have time for chitchat!"

"She's right we mine as well get moving." Beast Boy said jumping off the cliff and landing on Terras rock.

He wobbled, and Terra had to catch him before he plummeted to the ground.

She smiled at him. "Gotcha." She said winking at him as she pulled him to his feet.

Raven glowered at Terra as she held onto Beast Boy and moved the rocks.

Something wasn't right with her.

She just needed to prove it.

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