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Chapter 24

/AN: Please read the Author Note at the bottom of this chapter/

Fumiko had not left her spot for hours until a familiar chakra appeared behind her. She did not bother to look back at the person as a pair of arms sneaked around her torso. Warm radiated through her cold body.

"Fumiko-sama," Neji breathed on her shoulder. "I was worried when I didn't see you at home."

Fumiko did not answer. Her whole body was tense before she relaxed and leaned on her lover. Neji knew something was wrong, but he did not push.

"Let's go back home, alright? I'll reheat the dinner."

"...I'm sorry." She whispered.

"Iie." Neji shook his head. He then gently took Fumiko's hand as they walked back home.

They had dinner in silence before Fumiko decided to speak. "We need to start the façade."

Neji's chopsticks stopped midway. "You mean...?"

"Em," Fumiko nodded. "Itachi's mission has begun."

Neji was silent for a moment before looking back at Fumiko. "Fumiko-sama, why can't we do it ourselves?"

"What do you mean?" Fumiko frowned. "It has to be Itachi."

"...I understand."

Fumiko, noticing how disappointed Neji was, frowned. "What's wrong, Neji-kun?"

"I just hope that we... you know, one day..." Neji faced away, looking all red.

Something clicked in Fumiko's head. "Ah..."

"Can't we?"

Fumiko was contemplating for a minute. She was thinking of her disease. The girl definitely planned to keep her sickness to herself, so she could not tell Neji her other plans. Taking her silence as a refusal, Neji lowered his head.

"I'm sorry I crossed the boundary, Fumiko-sama. Just forget what I asked."

Fumiko nodded and thus, the conversation was never brought up again. After that dinner, nights and days passed quickly. One year had gone now, the head of Uchiha had just turned 17. Due to the busy schedules both she and Neji had, the wedding was being postponed, much to Hiashi's dismay.

A hawk appeared above her, letting her know that the hokage wanted her. Immediately the teenager body flickered in the Senju's office, startling the youngsters in there. Her stoic face became colder than before, making Tsunade wondered what exactly happened to her during the teenager's pregnancy.

"Aaaaah!" A yelled from a yellow haired teenager made the Uchiha raised her eyebrow. "Who are you?! Why do you look exactly like Sasuke?!"

"Naruto, you idiot!" Sakura punched his head. "That's because she's Fumiko-san, Sasuke-kun's older sister!"

"Oh yea! I remembered you!" Naruto nodded while rubbing his hurting head. "But I didn't know you're having that big stomach? Aaaaah, I know! You're eating too much Ramen, aren't you?"

Sakura facepalmed at Naruto's antic, while Kakashi and Tsunade sweat dropped. "Is it just me or he's getting stupider than before?"

The teenagers shivered under Fumiko's glare. In Naruto's opinion, her glare was 100% worse than Sasuke's.

Tsunade cleared her throat. "There's a mission for team 7 and you will come with them on the way before parting for your own mission, Fumiko."

"The mission you've been asking me for months, isn't it? Alright." Fumiko nodded.

"Tsunade-sama, are you sure?" Sakura asked in worry. "Our opponent is the Akatsuki, and Fumiko-san is heavily pregnant."

"Fumiko can take care of herself. Now off you go!"


As they left the village, Sakura kept checking on Fumiko's condition. It annoyed the older female by a lot, but she did not complain. They met Temari halfway through their journey and continued to the HiddenSand before Fumiko parted ways with them.

Fumiko's mission was simple enough, actually. Tsunade asked her to retrieve all Uchiha scrolls in the Uchiha hideout before Itachi nor Sasuke could take it. The girl walked leisurely inside the hideout, about to take the scrolls when she noticed she was not alone.

"Nii-san." She greeted.

Itachi raised his eyebrow. "This is the brilliant idea you're talking about? Faking a pregnancy?"

Fumiko lifted her genjutsu and smiled tiredly at her brother. "Yes."

As the genjutsu being lifted, Itachi could see how pale his sister actually looked. She always had a slim body type, yet she was now thinner than ever. The bags under her eyes were so dark that people could mistake it as a bruise. Fumiko sat in front of Itachi and closed her eyes.

"How's it progressing?" She asked.

"Well." Itachi answered bluntly, "But it seems like you don't."

Fumiko did not answer him and just hummed. "How long should I wait? This façade is getting annoying."

"Actually, it's here already."

"Oh?" Fumiko opened her eyes as she saw her brother lifted his own genjutsu.

True to his words, Itachi was sitting comfortably with two bundles in his arms. The girl leaned over and saw one bundle in a little bit distaste.

"It looks exactly like Sasuke when he was born."

"No." Itachi chuckled. "Haruma looks exactly like you when you're a baby."

"Oh, so you decide to name him after all?" Fumiko teased Itachi.

The older Uchiha nodded with soft eyes. He then looked down to the other sleeping bundle. "This one is Hiroto."

"Uchiha Haruma and Hiroto, huh?"


Sooooo... in case someone tries to accuse me doing another plagiarism of the names of the OC I use, I'd like to introduce you to Haruma and Hiroto.

Haruma's name actually taken from my favorite actor ever since I was in elementary school, who's not long ago passed, Miura Haruma. It really broke my heart when he passed, sometimes I still find it difficult to believe that he's no longer here since I basically grow up with him as my role model.

Anyway, for Hiroto's name... it's inspired from one of the character Haruma-san acted in Last Cinderella. I really love the dorama and the character itself. Thus, Hiroto and Haruma were born.

Oh yea, shout out for you guys who kindly give me votes! Thanks a bunch, it really motivates me to write even more haha

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