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Chapter 2

Years passed and now the young Fumiko was 6. She graduated from the academy a year after she enrolled, and became a chunin last year. She was now standing in front of the Hokage with her 11 years old brother. Sandaime gave them a tight smile before calling an ANBU inside his office.

Fumiko narrowed her eyes at the ANBU. Based on his posture, he was no older than 20. He knelt before the Hokage before standing up. His body was built with a fine amount of muscles.

"Kakashi, take off your mask." Hiruzen ordered.

The man, Hatake Kakashi, took off his mask and faced the Uchiha with his blank look. "This is Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Fumiko. They will be under your care in Team Ro."

Kakashi nodded. "Hokage-sama, what about the kid? Even though she's a prodigy, I don't think she'd be fine when she has to face the enemy with taijutsu. Her body is way too small."

Hiruzen nodded at Fumiko, letting her to defend herself. "I may be small, but I'm fast and have lots of chakra, Kakashi-san."

Kakashi looked at Fumiko for quite some time before finally nodded. "Is that all, Hokage-sama?"

"Yes. You're dismissed."

The three of them knelt before Hiruzen before Kakashi turned to the siblings. "Follow me."

They went to ANBU base. Kakashi brought them through a quite complicated hall before finally entered a room. There, a pack of ANBU were waiting. To say Fumiko was not intimidated was an understatement. They were far bigger than her. Thankfully, Fumiko schooled her expression in time so the others would not see her as a weak person.

"Taichou, why are you bringing kids here?" Someone sneered.

"This is Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Fumiko." He said lazily. "From now on, they will be part of team Ro. Open your masks and introduce yourselves to them."

They did so, unhappily. Most of them thought that the siblings were not capable to handle ANBU work and they would definitely be mocked by other teams. Several people even threw nasty words directly towards the siblings.

Fumiko frowned. She was never care if her father or other people said hurting words to her. However, her chest felt like about to explode when she heard the hurtful stuffs to her brother. Her gentle onii-san never did something wrong to them, yet those words were unacceptable.

"Guys," A young boy, younger than the rest, was about to shut them up, but the girl beat him to it.

"Nii-san is stronger than me, I can barely touch him each time we spar." Fumiko said coldly. "Would you mind sparring with me then? You have nothing to lose except shame if you lost the spar."

They were fuming. Even the youngest member, who Fumiko learnt his name as Tenzo, had to hold his comrades back.

Kakashi sighed. This was not how he intended to spend the day with. "Alright. Since you're so against this... Ko, fight her. Let's move to the training ground and let's see how good you are."

ANBU were filling the training ground, scattered. Fumiko and Ko stood up in the middle of the field with Kakashi between them. "Alright, you can do whatever you want, but do not kill each other. I don't want to deal with the Hokage if one of you died. Hm, I gues that's all. Begin!"

Ko waited no more as he ran to Fumiko with all of his power. He threw several shuriken, which the girl dodged them with ease. Throwing a punch, Ko almost got her face's side. Yet, as if in slow mode, Ko could see Fumiko grabbed his arm and threw him across the training ground hard. Several gasps were heard, yet all Itachi did was frown.

The 11 years old boy took out his kunai and deflected several kunai and shuriken thrown at him. Kakashi sighed, a tick mark popped on his head. "Who gave you the permission to attack Itachi?"

"But we need to know his ability. There's no point of him being in ANBU if he can't even deflect kunai." Someone said.


"EUGHHHHHH!" A bloody scream made them all focused on the training ground again.

Kakashi's eyes went wide. There, in the middle of the training ground, stood Fumiko. It was as if she never left that place after Kakashi left them. His eyes drifted to Ko, who laid on his stomach with bloody cuts and bruises on his body. He spluttered blood when he coughed.

"Fumiko!" Itachi's scold took them back to reality.

Fumiko blinked, then looked up at her brother. "Yes, nii-san?"

Itachi sighed, then dragged Fumiko to bow down at Ko, then at Kakashi. "I'm sorry at her behavior. She shouldn't go that far."

Kakashi cleared his throat. "Were we under genjutsu from the start?"

"What?!" A girl gasped. "No way! I saw them—"

"I asked Fumiko." Kakashi's voice was stern.

"Yes." She nodded.

"Show me your sharingan."

Fumiko looked at her brother who hesitantly gave a nod. A swirl of tomoes showed up, showing the perfect mature sharingan. Kakashi nodded, then looked at Itachi. "And you? Do you have your sharingan?"

Itachi also activated his sharingan, the exact same replica as his little sister's. "Alright then. Is there any of you who doubted the siblings?"

Nobody said anything, making Kakashi scoffed. "Alright then, from now on, do not bully the youngsters. You understand?"

"Yes, taichou!"

"Take Ko to the hospital as Tenzo brief the newbies the rules."

"Eh?!" Tenzo protested. "Why can't you do that on your own?"

"Because I can and am your captain. Suck it up. Dismissed!"

After the other ANBU left, Tenzo rubbed his neck. "Alright, you guys. Come follow me. I'd show you around the base then I'll tell you the rules."

It took around two hours for Tenzo to finish his briefing. He then showed them their lockers as there were ANBU uniforms and masks and other stuffs for the both Uchiha.

"Take one pair of them home and let the other in your locker. Oh, don't forget to put some clothes inside the locker too tomorrow so you can change if something happens."

Both Uchiha nodded, then did as Tenzo ordered. The walked side by side to their compound. Someone was screaming his lungs out, making both siblings flinched as Itachi was being tackled by his younger brother.


"Nii-chan, play with me!" Itachi smiled at his little brother, then nodded. "Yay! Nee-chan, will you come too?!"

The siblings' attention turned to the middle child who was about to answer, yet being cut off. "No. She's going to train. She's supposed to bring up Uchiha's name alongside Itachi. So there's no need for her wasting her time playing stupid games. Do you understand me, Fumiko?"

Both Fumiko and Itachi froze at their father's voice. Fumiko fisted her hands, trying to keep her composure. "...Yes, father."

Fugaku nodded, satisfied at her answer. "Shisui!"

A boy came closer, he was several inches taller than Itachi. "Hey, Fumiko-chan."

"Shisui-nii." Fumiko nodded at the boy.

"Let's go, Fumiko-chan." Shisui took Fumiko hand as they walked away from the siblings.

Fumiko did not look up at her siblings, though Itachi could see something he never saw from his sister. A jealousy and anger. Fugaku gave disapproving look at Sasuke, before left too.

"It's not fair." Sasuke pouted, in a brick of crying.

"Hey, Sasuke, it's alright. We can still play together, yeah?"



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