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Chapter 7

"It was not an opinion. It was an order." Danzo said sternly.

Fumiko clenched her hands, but did not bother to respond to him. "Hokage-sama, if I were to release my position as ANBU captain, who's going to lead them?"

Danzo was about to answer, but Hiruzen shut him down with his glare. "Who do you recommend?"

"Tenzo." She answered right away.

"Alright, Tenzo it is." Hiruzen made his gawk called the said ANBU, and within a few seconds, Tenzo stood beside Fumiko.


"Tenzo, from now on, you'd be the ANBU captain." Hiruzen's blunt words made Tenzo choked.

"W-w-what are you talking about, Hokage-sama?"

"I'm being released from my position." Fumiko stated. "I've been making you do my duties not for no reason, you know."

This time, both Hiruzen and Danzo froze. "What do you mean?"

"You really think I'm that stupid, Himura Danzo?" Fumiko's eyes were cold. "Do you really think I won't notice all the sharingan attached in your arms, or your left eye?"

Danzo did not know what to respond. "How dare you!"

"What do you mean, Fumiko? It's a huge accusation." Hiruzen said sternly.

Before Hiruzen could demand any more question, Danzo was splitting blood from his mouth. Fumiko activated her mangekyo, then chuckled.

"W-what did you do to me?"

"I did nothing." Fumiko shrugged. "It's just that the sharingan know their master. Me. So they're desperately trying to get away from your body."


The girl casted a glance to her subordinate who nodded and made a ritual table with Danzo being tied in the middle. "What's the meaning of this!"

"It's alright, Hokage-sama." Fumiko cut Danzo's bandages, letting the sharingan on his arm opened their eyes.

To say Hiruzen was shock was an understatement. Emotions were crossing his face. Disbelief. Anger. Betrayal.

After all of the bandages gone, Fumiko made a handseal and every sharingan in Danzo's arm melted. Danzo was screaming and trashing around, yet he still could not move. He opened his right eye, which causing both Hiruzen and Tenzo gasped while Fumiko snarled.

"Shisui-nii's eye." There was green chakra on Fumiko's fingertips as the girl gruesomely took Shisui's mangekyo from Danzo. Blood spattered everywhere, but the girl did not seem to care. She casted a glance toward Hiruzen.

"As the head of the Uchiha, it is my privilege to kill this man who stole the eyes of my clan members who went missing suddenly before the massacre." Fumiko glared.

"We already investigate this matter, Hokage-sama." Tenzo added. "It was Danzo who ordered ROOT members to kidnap Uchiha members and take their eyes."

"No." Hiruzen finally said.

"No?" Fumiko tilted her head.

"I will not allow you to kill Himura Danzo."

"There are already proof—"

"I said no!"

Fumiko clenched her jaw. "Then, I demand a meeting with all the clan leaders. I believe they'd take my side in this matter, especially Hiashi-sama."

Hiruzen was shaken, but kept his mouth shut. Fumiko decided to try again. "He may be your friend, but justice is needed to be put in its place. You're the hokage, you shouldn't take this subjectively."

"I still won't let you—"

There was a knock, and several people came in. Hiashi's face was stern, as he analyzed what was in front of him. "Explain."

"Hiruzen-sama doesn't let me kill Danzo as he killed my clan members before massacre and stole their eyes. There are proofs." Fumiko answered coldly. "What would you do if you were in my position, Hiashi-sama?"

Hiashi looked at Fumiko for a second, before looked back at Hiruzen. "I'd kill him right away."

"No matter what, this is Fumiko's privilege to do that as the clan head. It's written in the rules, you know this, Hokage-sama." Nara Shikaku said.

Hiruzen kept silent, but then finally answered. "I'll let you kill Danzo, but this won't go in public."

"Sure, but give ROOT to me." Fumiko shrugged. "It's only fair."


"Amaterasu." Danzo was screaming bloody hell. He was burnt in the eternal black flames and Hiruzen had to watch it.

Fumiko snickered. An eye for an eye. Besides, this is for Konoha.

After everything was done, including Hiruzen signed the contract for the ROOT in Fumiko's name, he knew he was doomed. He underestimated the girl.

"Hiashi-sama, Shikaku-san, arigato." Fumiko bowed as they were no longer in Hokage's office.

"No problem, kid." Shikaku nodded.

"You've done a lot for our clans, of course we'd help you." Hiashi nodded. "Come to our compound in near time, there's something I'd like to discuss with you."

Fumiko nodded and left the place. She walked down to the now crowded ROOT base. Every single ANBU ROOT member looked confused and fidgety on why their curse mark was gone. Fumiko stood in front of Danzo's throne and showed them the signed legal paper.

"Danzo's dead." She said coldly, making all members froze. "From now on, I'd be taking his place legally as the owner of the ROOT. If any of you want to protest, come in front and I'll face you."

None of them were moving forward, as Fumiko expected. They all knew who she was. There was no way to go against her, as she often time killed some of them when Danzo made them to spy on her.

"No one?" She shrugged. "Oh, well, let's begin, shall we."

And that was how the ANBU ROOT started to operate more.


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