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Chapter 9

Fumiko furrowed her eyebrows. Her eyes were focused on the papers on her table. Her hand harshly stroked the papers with her brush. After a few moments, she looked satisfied.

"Fu, get every 3-men ANBU squad in the common room." She ordered.


In a few minutes, there were total of 13 groups in the common room. The only ones who were not belong to the 3-men squad were Fumiko, Fu, and Sai. Fumiko nodded at them as they greeted her.

"I'll call your name one by one and give you your team's mission. Some of you might get into a short term mission, but the others are long terms. Well, unless you can finish them fast.

Fumiko called the group leader one by one and explained the mission briefly. It was until she reached the last squad. "Hiroto, this is your squad's mission. You'll sneak into Hidden Sound and disguise yourself as travelers. Find out what's the relation between Hidden Sound and Orochimaru. Inform me immediately after you've found out."


The last 3-men squad left right away, leaving Fumiko with Fu and Sai. She handed a file each to Fu and Sai. "These are your missions. Fu, you need to go to Amegakure. There is something fishy about this village alongside with their leaders. Sai, your mission is to gain information about this organization called Akatsuki. Now, go."

The both of them kneeled down, then left. Now, let's find out why Kakashi wants to meet me in public, Fumiko thought as she body flickered away to a bridge. A familiar scream and squeal were heard as soon as Fumiko stood in front of three genins. Her eyebrows were furrowed.

"Nee-san?" Sasuke's eyes went wide.

Fumiko sighed. "I take it you guys are waiting for Hatake too?"

Three genins nodded, making Fumiko cursed. "How long have you been waiting?"

"3 hours?" Naruto replied.

Fumiko did not say anything as she leaned on the bridge and closed her eyes. She noticed the look that Sasuke gave her, but brushed it off. In the other hand, Sasuke was taking his sister's appearance carefully. She looked exactly like their mother and Itachi. Even though Fumiko was a head taller than him, Sasuke noticed how her body was still slimmer than his. Yet, the aura radiating from her only screamed power. A tiny smile grazed his face as he remembered the first time and last time Fumiko came to pick him up from the academy. Oh, how he missed his older sister.

"Nee-san," Finally Sasuke braved himself to talk to her after an internal battle. Fumiko opened one of her eyes, looking directly at her little brother beside her. "c-can we spend some time to catch up a-and you can train me if you're up to it?"

By now, Fumiko had opened both of her eyes and was giving her brother a blank stare. Naruto and Sakura who had notice the tense between the siblings took a step back and kept their silence.

"Yo!" Out of nowhere, Kakashi popped up.

"YOU'RE LATE!!!" Both Sakura and Naruto screamed.

"I'm sorry, I just lost in the path of—"

"Cut the crap, Hatake. I'm busy and very much just wasted my time for you. Be grateful I haven't killed you." Fumiko said coldly.

Kakashi laughed sheepishly before handed the genins their promotion letter to attend the Chunin exam. Sasuke smirked at his paper as Naruto was excitedly clung to Kakashi. The only one who did not seem was the pink haired one.

"Well, Fumiko, is there any encouragement word for these genins?" Kakashi asked.

"Kill or be killed." Fumiko shrugged. Both Sakura and Naruto looked terrified, making Kakashi sighed.

"Tell them how you did your Chunin exam."

"I was five." Fumiko shrugged. "The only thing I remembered was that I had killed half of the other competitors."

"What? Why?!" Naruto screeched. "All you've done is killing!"

"Because that's what I've been taught." Fumiko replied harshly. "While Sasuke was playing house with mother at home, my father would beat the shit out of me if I were not perfect in doing my trainings or missions."

Sasuke widened his eyes. He did not know that. He knew his father was a cold person, but not to the point where he would lay his hand on his own children.

Turning back to Kakashi, Fumiko asked, "So what do you want to talk about?"

"I'd like you to train Sasuke for the Chu—"

"I refuse." Fumiko answered with finality in her voice. "Is that all?"

Kakashi pursued his lips. "Can't you think—"

"I said, is that all?"

Kakashi sighed. "Go along, kids." He shushed the genins, then turned back to Fumiko. "I heard Hyuga Hiashi had asked for your presence."

"And?" Fumiko raised her eyebrow.

"You surely know why he'd ask for you?"

"Yes. Hiashi-sama intends to have an alliance between Hyuga and Uchiha."

Sasuke who was eavesdropping frowned. "And how? No offense, but the only Uchiha I see is you. And Sasuke."

Fumiko shrugged. "The traditional one."

There was a brief silence before Kakashi opened his mouth. "So, arranged marriage?"

"I think so."

"Who's Hiashi-sama's going to marry off?" Kakashi frowned. "You? But with who? My bet is Sasuke and Hinata. Hiashi-sama wants power, so he'd make sure the Uchiha blood gets in his clan."

Fumiko hummed. "I'll take your bet then, if you lose, you owe me a favor."


The furrowed brows on Sasuke's head went deeper. He could not believe his sister and teacher just made a bet about him.

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