45. Capture the Human

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Chapter Summary: After almost being caught several times - the game finally ends with an unsuspecting twist.

This chapter hasn't been beta'd! Sorry for any mistakes I may have overlooked! 


"yeah..no." Sans cut in, standing between you and Edge with his hands up in surrender. "no outside activity.. supposed to be relaxing," he turned to glance back at you. "isn't it?"

You pouted but didn't say anything. The alcohol was already fading away and you felt like fighting off the sleepiness that lurked around the corner. Who knew when was the next time you'd experience this feeling again.

"WHERE I STAND, SHE HAS NO OBJECTIONS." Edge spoke, taking a step back. Picking up the wine glass he cared before the shots and took the whole thing in one swing.

Sans glanced at the others, silently pleading them for help. He sighed when they avoided his gaze. Turning back to Edge, he stood a bit straighter. "nope. not tonight, edge. tonight was only for her to catch her breath, not.. hehe.. not loose her edge." He grinned, proud at the name-play.

Edge, however, scoffed loudly. His arms crossed over his chest. Sockets narrowing into a warning glare. "YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PARTICIPATE. IT WILL—"

"be too much." Sans hissed, smile tightening. "it's late. we all should get some rest." He said, eyelights sweeping through each and every skeleton in the room before locking with your (colour) ones.

He quickly glanced away. Tightening his fists in his pockets as he turned to leave the living room.

"How about until midnight?" You ask, still staring at the spot Sans previously stood before shifting your eyes to look up at him. "It's only two hours away. We should be finished before then, plus I already feel sober enough to know what's...." triggering? You thought, letting your voice trail off. Shaking your head, you looked up at Sans.

A spark of determination washed over you.

Sans' sockets widened for a split second. Looking down at his exposed wrist. "forty minutes.." he muttered at the absent wrist watch. He scratched his skull before turning his attention back on you.

"fine . . . but if you feel even a little bit unsure, you can call the quits."


Heart pounding against your chest, the thuds of your heavy footsteps against the slushy roads. Snow had fallen sometime during the evening, covering Ebott City in a thin sheet of snow with grey clouds overhead. Despite this, the City of Monsters was still lively as ever.

Was it because their lack of sun for a long time? Or were they used to following their own clock? You didn't know but didn't care enough to ask - They weren't hurting you or sending you mean looks, they kept going on their night blissfully unaware of your rapid heart beat.

A cloud appeared over your lips, disappearing behind you as you pushed yourself to run further.

A cruel game of cat and mice - it was exhilarating. The guys had given you a small radius to run around and hide while they 'hunted' you down. What was the prize? You had no idea. Sans had issued the prize would be given after timer went off.

Plus, you had ten minutes head start, what could go wrong?

As if he heard your thoughts. Sans walked out from the alleyway. His hands in his pockets with his hook over his skull — yet you could recognize that shade of blue and pink fluffy slippers anywhere.

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