31. Spiders & Anime

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Waking up the next morning was slow. You stared at the dead screen of your phone for twenty minutes after gathering the enough courage to get out of bed and face today's troubles with a semi-brave face.

closing the bathroom door, you tiptoed towards the kitchen. Briefly glancing over at your brothers on the couch and steadily took out a bowl and cereal.

"Did you take your pills?" Josh asked, rolling his head to look over his shoulders towards you. Biting down on your lip, you nodded softly as you slipped onto the chair.

"Good - are you doing anything today?" He asked, returning his gaze to the TV while Joseph fiddled with his phone only to briefly look up to examine you.

You opened your mouth to answer but Joseph laughed loudly and dropped his phone to his side. "No? Good! We can start heading home then."

"I have classes." You say, Despite the obvious chill in the air. you shoved a spoon full of cereal in your mouth and shrugged. "We can leave after today's classes. I can tell my professors that i'll be absent tomo-"

"the whole week, maybe longer." Josh cut you off. Shrugging his shoulders. "You barely kept in contact during your time here. It's best that you come home for the week."

"I can't do that." You say desperately. "I'm still behind schedule and-"

"then drop out and move back. Easy."

Biting down on your tongue, you froze when both brothers turned to look at you. Feeling your heart race, you stood up and dumped the rest of the cereal in the sink and walked towards your room to grab your keys, your phone and changer, and your jacket. Not bothering to change out of yesterday's clothes.

"I can't do that!" You say, startling yourself from the volume. Instantly shrinking back when Josh stood up, you tried to calm yourself down by the breathing exercise but that didn't work and you could feel yourself slip away. Shutting your eyes when Josh began walking closer, you flinched when his hand softly caressed your cheek.

"If-if I want to get the-the degree, I need to stay here and m-make sure I get it! Going home whenever you want me to won't make me succeed!" You say, voice wavering horribly. Tears building in your eyes as you quickly ducked away from Josh's hand and rounded him - only to bump into Joseph's chest. The helpless feeling of being trapped heavily weighing on yours as Joseph wrapped his arms around your waist and held you tight.

Hearing Josh sigh loudly behind you and turn, he grabbed your arm and yanked you away from Joseph's arms, glaring heatedly at him before looking fondly down at you.

"It's fine, I can provide for you." He said in a sickeningly sweet tone, the undertone is what you heard though; a deep threat.

"Y-you can't.." You say weakly, wincing softly as his grip tightened.

Joseph huffed begins you and grabbed your other arm, pulling you away from Josh. "Then how about me? I have the money."

"We have the money." Josh bit. Glaring at Joseph whilst pulling you towards him. Joseph grunted and yanked you back, making you stumble and yelp.

"N-no!" You shouted, startling both brothers. "I want to do things on my own!"

"What good would that be?" They said in sync. "You aren't going to last very long on your own, you need us."

Yanking your arms back, you hugged yourself and shook your head, pushing past Joseph and ran out the door with both of your brothers shouting out your name, both sounding pissed.

they ran after you.

Not nothing to wait for the elevator, you quickly ran down the stairs. Desperately trying to blink away the oncoming tears as you descended at a neck-breaking speed. Tightly holding onto the rails incase you tripped.

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