19. Drunk Skeletons pt1

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Chapter Summary: With or without drunk skeletons

Heart erratically beating in your chest, your hold on his sweater tightened as you mentally tried to get your chest beat to slow down. He could probably feel how scared you were in his hold. He never held you like this until he practically kidnapped you, moved you through dark space and sciency crap that came with the teleportation, completely against your will.

Hesitantly, Stretch pulled away, palming your cheek whilst slowly rubbing his thumb over the apple of your cheek. A somber look in his eye lights before he pulled back. A deep sigh coming from him.

"I'm sorry." And he disappeared.

For the longest time, you sat there. Holding your clothes in your fist as your heart steadily slowed. A blush over you cheeks as you shook your head and slapped your cheeks. A huff coming from you as you went to take off your shirt—but stopped. No, you weren't going to repeat what happened earlier, that was enough embarrassment for today!

Diving into your covers, you snuggled into you pillow and grabbed your phone and earphones. Wiping your brain of Stretch and watched YouTube videos.

However, your thoughts kept drifting towards the lanky skeleton. Yes, you longer felt safe around him, but he was still your friend. A friend who you could pun around with and job him for his non-paid (hopefully soon) tab at Muffet's. Someone you should have felt safe around you.

Yet he kept doing things that pushed you out of your comfort zone. Hugging you, using his magic on you and talking like he was the victim. Was the term even right for this thought? You didn't know.

Knowing that you wouldn't focus on the video, you paused it and laid on your back. The cloudy sun seeping through your silk curtains, blowing small puffs of cool air into your room.

Stretch spends his time at Muffet's either you were there or not, he grew up with her along with his brother. That's all you knew. He loved honey and sweets just as much as he loved jabbing you with his usual day-to-day puns and distracting you from your job. Sure you had only worked for three days, but those three days were mostly spent with Stretch and the usual banter between the two of you.

You lifted your hand into the air, your arm nipping with goosebumps from the cold you couldn't feel because of the thick covers. Clenching and unclenching your fingers, you sighed deeply and dropped your arm over your eyes.

What would Muffet say? You barely knew the guy she raised, did he act out like that? Being all... needy and demanding your attention left and right?

When did he change? Was it because you started talking to Red and Sans? Or when you somehow managed to connect the dots on them being cousins or very close relatives. You bit your lip from the thoughts swarming your head, drifting down to the chain reaction of sudden skeletons in your life.

Sans was a huge mystery. You didn't know much about him but he seemed to know a lot about you. Red.. he had his secrets and you wanted to know what they were.

You couldn't place a finger on anything.

Not to mention that one time you found Red asleep on your couch, poking holes into your blanket and sweating profusely in his sleep. On a whim, you called him Sans and he reacted almost instantly.

Then there was Stretch again. Muffet called him Papyrus, you called him Papyrus and he held little to no reaction to it—maybe you weren't paying attention to his reactions? He might have flinched or clenched his jaw.

But then again, he was much harder to read than both Red and Sans combined.

You sighed once more and turned your phone on, shuffling through playlists before pressing on your favourite on and played the first song on shuffle. Turning up the volume to drown out Papyrus' excitable voice.

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