36. Walls of Bones

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Chapter Summary: Stretch is m a d .
Warning! Descriptive violence are within this chapter!

A warm glow of green, Stretch had his palm over your swollen eye, healing magic appearing in his hand that hovered over your eye - making sure that he didn't put any pressure in fear of hurting you further.

Your body had stopped trembling, allowing yourself to shut down with Stretch's protective arm wrapped around your waist.

Stretch had to clear his head - his heat was coming back and he knew he had to wrap this up. The anger coursing through his bones grew the longer he attempted to heal the damage to your eye, letting the healing magic flow through your blood stream and repair the bruises. He clenched his teeth.

A large wall of bones shot up from the snowy ground, successfully cutting off Joseph's trek closer. A loud swear come from him but Stretch didn't pay attention.

"are you okay?" He whispered, moving his hand from your eye to your cheek. Tracing circles on your soft skin. He watched as your bottom lip trembled, tears still rolling down your face. He watched as you flinched and attempted to hide your face when Joseph shouted.

Stretch had to be careful. If he left his anger flow, the effect on the healing would be counterproductive, you'd end up much damaged than you were now. He shakily inhaled, a cigarette appeared in front of his teeth, his magic holding it up as he took a drag and glared over at Joseph - his orange magic raging from his socket. The soft green glow of healing had stopped, your eye was still damaged - the faded colour of (colour) was still there but he managed to stop the swelling from fully shutting your eye.

"one sec, k?" Stretch said to Joseph. The man paused, his hands grinning the thick bones, brows furrowed and confusion laced over his face. Stretch scoffed lightly, going back to attend you.

"i'm going to teleport us to muffet, okay? hold tight." He whispered against your hair. Still tracing small circles on your skin. When he felt you nod and your hold around him tightened, he sighed.

A second passed and the cold weather outside had melted into a toasty warmth. Agile quickly jumped off of Stretch's shoulder and scurried away, wherever spiders run off too, and gently laid you on the couch. Grabbing the thick wooly blanket on the couch and wrapped it around your shoulders.

Hurried footsteps ran down the hall, Muffet appeared and sighed deeply in relief. She quickly climbed over the couch and wrapped her arm around your shoulders, pulling you close and rubbed your shoulder.

However, before she could say anything, Stretch was gone.

Along with the intent to hurt someone.


"oh good, you're still here." Stretch spoke appearing in thin air. His hands in his cargo pockets. The white shirt was soaked around the collar from your crying - he had debated either or not he should get Sans and Red - he wasn't sure if they were finished their heat, he wasn't.

But intercourse was the last thing in his mind right now. Now that you were somewhere safe and distant, he could let his magic flow freely. Sparked and ready, Stretch grabbed Joseph's soul - a maroon coloured inverted heart with strings of neon green - and yanked him forward. "howza 'bout we go somewhere private?"

He didn't give the chance to let Joseph answer. In a antagonize second, they were no where near the cabins. Far from it, actually.

The overhead was a high ceiling. Yellow pillars stood on each side of the hallway, coloured stained glass shined with the sun's natural rays. Stretch shoved Joseph to the floor, his magic still lacing the area as he started at the human before him. Ready to be judged.

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