20. Drunk Skeletons pt2

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Chapter Summary: You play a quick round of Spin or Dare! You are officially comfortable with Sans!

The tranquility did nothing but let your heart race. Here you were, sitting in an oddly shaped circle ready to play a game of spin the bottle, instead of the embarrassing kisses, it would be a question or a dare. A fair mix of the two party-goers games. No one had uttered a word until the bottle began to slowly stop. Frankly, you thought it would stop on you for a second before it picked up its speed.

Pursing your lips at the anxiety eating away inside, you let out a relieved sigh as it finally stopped.

The lanky skeleton sighed deeply, shooting a glare over at Sans before taking out a honey bottle from his pocket, popped open the cap and leaned back, sipping the thick liquid like all the other times you saw him do. Yet, now, it felt like it was a coping mechanism.

"Heh, alright." Red shrugged, leaning back with a bottle in his hand. "Spin or dare, ashtray."

"I'm not drunk enough to deal with you." Stretch grumbled, rubbing the sweat from his brow bone. Red's toothy smile widened as he took a swing of the beer bottle. "Fuck it, dare. Lay it on me."

"Drink a whole bottle of ketchup." He lollied his tongue out of his mouth, the forked end flicking upwards with a sinister grin. You blinked softly at the small red hue, eyes on the forked tongue in astonishment. Is...is that a tongue piercing?

"OH." Blue perked, looking from the floor up to his brother and successfully tearing your attention from Red's mouth. He caught your eye and quickly turned away.

"Disgusting." Stretch muttered, lowering the honey bottle from his mouth and took the condiment from a shit-eating Sans.

"S'not bad." Sans shrugged, leaning back and accidentally touching your shoulder. You instinctively flinched and leaned away, sending an apologetic smile when he turned around to face you, unable to read the expression on his face, you turned to look at Stretch.

A small tangerine hue dusted his cheeks as he opened the cap, gagged and swung it down as if it was a vodka shot. He visibly flinched but kept going.

Halfway to the bottom, he yanked the bottom from his teeth and tossed it back to Sans. Coughing lightly and wiped his teeth from the lingering ketchup. You wrinkled your nose, turning your head away to hide the grin and forced the laughter down as Red, Sans, and your best friend laughed.

"Again, disgusting." Stretch picked up another beer bottle, opening it effortlessly and took long chugs, undoubtedly trying to wash his mouth from the condiment.

Sans placed a hand on his chest, forging a hurtful expression. "It's the best!" and finished the rest to prove a point.

Catching your staring, he smirked and tipped the tip towards you. "Want some?"

You wrinkled your nose once again. "No thanks.."

He chuckled. "Note for me, then." And finished the rest in a single gulp. You cringed slightly before turning back to the game as Stretch spun the bottle.

As the bottle began to slow, you felt your heartbeat pick up. Silently pleading for it to continue past you as it slowed each second. Luckily, it stopped at your best friend, and the way she grinned made you want to groan and keel over.

"Babe!" She squealed, looking straight at you. "Spin or Dare!"

You swallowed thickly, suddenly hyper aware of the amount of people in the living room as she eagerly waited for your answer. You bit your bottom lip, why would she pick you off the bat? The game just started, surely your turn wouldn't be until the end of the game of odds were in your favour.

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