4. Red

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Chapter summary: Not the kind of day you wanted, Beggars can't be choosers.

"Y/N!" A loud screech of your name shot you up from your bed. You felt lightheaded for a moment before it faded like white noise. Thumping could be heard from the other room before yours, grumbles and curses muffled by the wall as your friend threw her door wide open, and in addition, yours.

"You met Hatred last night!?" She screamed, "And you cried!?"

You hissed at the bright light that bled through the hallway, covering your eyes from the door as you glared at the offending person standing directly in front of-of the door.

"Aw, and here I thought we could be buddies." Irritable sarcasm laced around your words, you glared at her for a moment before sighing loudly.

"What kind of idiot shoved a sock in someone else's couch for an excuse to come back?" You snapped, obvious livid about being woken up so frantic. "He obviously wants to fuck you, go to a hotel!"

The anger immediately washed away from her facial features, her hand that held her phone dropping to her sides with her mouth hung open.

And at that, you immediately felt guilty. You shouldn't have snapped at her like that, oh god what if she tells your parents and then your brothers? Your heart sunk heavily, and you hated the feeling of being hollow that followed after it.

Before you could apologize, a wide grin stretched on her lips, a bright red hue over her cheeks as she lifted her phone and began to text Hatred.

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion, nearly yelling in surprise when she threw herself onto your bed with a giddy grin.

"You think so? Oh god, I hope so! He's so...cute. Not as cute as his brother but he doesn't like me much!" She wrapped her arms around your waist and gave you a hearty squeeze. "What if we have a threesome.. oh my god I wanna be dominated by Mean and Hatred so bad."

The way she shivered and squealed made you uncomfortable, shifting in your spot as you pried her arms away from your waist. The sudden change of morning atmosphere giving you a headache.

"Hatred..." you hesitated. "Is a literal skeleton." You deadpanned, pushing her further from you, not wanting to be in the same area has her while her mind raked the possibility of of...monster intercourse.

You shivered and got up from your bed, retreating to the kitchen as she rolled around your bed and squealing like a teenager over her ships.

Looking at the time on the stove, you sighed. The earliest you've been up, and it's nowhere near close to your classes this afternoon. Instead of self-loathing, you began making breakfast. Simple eggs, bacon, toast and hash browns.

You made some for her, too. But didn't bother to call her as her giggling could still be heard from your opened door. Wrinkling your nose, you walked back into your room and grabbed your phone. Shooting a judging look at her (who, childishly, stuck out her tongue.) and made your way back to the kitchen.

After you ate, you pushed your friend out of your room, grabbed a towel and a fresh pair of clothes and cute matching underwear. Who says a girl can't wear cute underwear? No one, that's who!

You stayed in the shower longer than you had planned to, the heated water rolling down your body, easing your tense muscles and letting your mind wander aimlessly was too intoxicating that you overstayed the brief visit.

The bathroom was steaming when you left the door open, the cool air outside caused you to shiver and immediately pulled the thick sweats further up your waist, pulling the sweatshirt around your body as you went to go lotion up and then struggled with your hair.

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