16. Little Miss

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"Sweetheart, are ya alright?" Red asked the moment you walked through the door. Arms piled with plastic mags filled with groceries. A pained grunt came from you as Red quickly helped take the load off of you.

"I'm fine.." you muttered, feeling relieved after having the weight carried off. You weren't so sure why you let Stretch go so easily, your brothers said that you were a pushover, Maybe that's the reason why? You still haven't forgiven him from using his magic on you, taking you through nausea-filled trips three times (the last one was to drop you off, he left straight away before you could do anything else.) and the headache you received the first time he...teleported? You into his room.

Walking up a few flights of stairs because you refused to go more than one trip up them, nearly cost you your arms. Normally you'd complain but you had a stinging feeling that it'll be a constant recurrence.

"Nuh-uh, don'give me that." Red shook his head, placing the bags on the table. "We all heard 'he thuds from our room and heard ya screamin'." He looked through the bags, helping you put away the things with you showing where they belonged.

"...I know. I was scared for a while. I mean, I was basically kidnapped by someone I thought I could trust..." you muttered to yourself, feeling through the thin bag of macaroni. A frown on your glossy lips as you thought about Stretch's words.

You were a form of Sincerity. Monsters had this whole setup about soul traits and how it's different to each humans while theirs is an inverted white or grey heart. The colour of their magic showed which trait they had. What were the traits again? Bravery, Integrity and... and something else, Justice and kindness?

"Can... you tell me about souls? And.. a monsters sense of smell?" You asked, putting the bag of macaroni bits in the pantry and looked at Red. "Stretch said my scent was Baked Cocoa powder and Caramel."

Red visibly recoiled, blobs of red sweat appearing on his skull as he shoved a box of cereal on top of the fridge. "He, uh, he told ya 'bout that?"

You hummed, stacking the dried foods in the pantry. "Yes. He also said I was... Sincerity and my friend was Greed" Pausing in your stacking, you looked over your shoulder. What scent were you to Red?

"Yep." Red spoke, continuing. "She's determination mixed with Greed. S'why 'er soul's darker."

You furrowed your eyebrows, holding onto a bag of frozen vegetables. "I only know the minimum, like its your whole culmination to monsters—it's different towards humans because we have cells and skin." You grabbed the cereal box and placed it on top of the fridge. "When it comes to monsters, you guys rely on your magic..." You sheepishly grinned. "Please correct me if I am wrong.."

"S'not the only thin' we use our souls fer." Red chuckled, moving over so you could put the vegetables in the freezer. "We use it ta reproduce, ta have sex."

"...oh..." You paused, holding onto a box of cereal while trying to fight down the blush that threatened to show.

"But, Souls 're what they 're. They 're ya. Take damage and ya whole body takes damage."

"That was the boringest explanation ever." You deadpanned, putting loaves of bread in the pantry, making sure it wouldn't get squished.

"Talk ta Sans 'bout it. He'll fill you in much more. Souls 're a touchy situation fer me." He shrugged. You frowned, were you bothering him by asking him about souls? Should you just look it up on the internet? Then again, you should never trust the internet about things you want to look up. False information and misleading titles, and everything unpleasant.

"Alright. I'll try to get Sans to talk to me about it." You smiled, although it didn't reach your eyes. Red frowned.

"Yenno, Y/n. All this talk 'bout souls, is gettin' m'really hot 'n bothered."

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