6. Brother, Dear

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Chapter Warning: Mentions of panic attacks, self-inflicted harm, and hyperventilating. Please read at your own risk.

The afternoon sky was clouded, the trees were beginning to bare and the weather dropping a few degrees cold.

Yet with the cool breeze outside, Y/n found that her apartment was much, much colder. Her heart hammering in her chest and her hands becoming clammy as Joseph's eyes never left the two skeletons in her kitchen.

He was heaving, his shoulders dropping and rising at a pace as he tried to compose himself with deep breaths. He tore his gaze from the two monsters and to the girl. Her hair pulled back into a ponytail, sweatpants with a black tank top. He scowled at her and turned to his sister.

"Y/n." He said, pinching the bridge of his nose. Removing his round glasses, carefully holding it in his palms as his shoulders shook.

"Monsters. Jesus fuck, Y/n. What were you thinking? And with her?"

She opened her mouth to speak, to say something in defence to her friend and her friends. What could she say? That she had only lied about living alone because they were going to react the way she knew they would?

She closed her mouth and lowered her gaze to the floor. She couldn't say that to Joseph. He didn't deserve the lies she fed him.

"You." Joseph turned to her best friend. "Get out."

"Wha-?! I live here! You get out!" She cried, pointing to the door.

Joseph's eyes hardened. "It wasn't a suggestion. Get out before I make you." He hissed, ripping a coat near the door and threw it into her face, savouring the shocked expression on her face.

"Tsk, just because Y/n's too weak to stand up to you, doesn't mean I am! Who do you think you are storming into MY apartment, throwing MY—"

"DOES IT LOOK LIKE I GIVE A SHIT!?" The volume in Joseph's voice silenced her rant, hardly noticing how small Y/n balled herself. Her arms tightly around her chest, her breathing beginning to rag.

She flinched when Joseph yelled, a rare occurrence. Joseph hardly ever raised his voice or showed any form of negative thoughts. Always a tensed smile, a fake tone and a 'perfect' guy posture.

Y/n's best friend flinched, holding onto her coat as she nodded her head. Cowering like a dog in a losing fight.

"All I fucking want to do right now is talk to my baby sister. Not please some trust fund." He turned to Sans and Papyrus, his eyes a burning hell when he examined the two skeletons. A fake laugh coming from him as he tossed the small white bag and his glasses onto the couch.

Sans' tensed grin faltered slightly when Joseph's attention switched from the two girls to him and his brother. His hand subconsciously touching Papyrus' arm, in case if they needed to shortcut outta there.

"Look, I don't appreciate some soul fucking monsters near my baby sis." A chill ran down Sans' spine. Cold, like a winter morning. He could feel the temperature drop decreasingly the long her held eye contact with your brother.

"Look, buddy. That isn't a way to treat a lady." It was a warning for him to back down. His hold on his brother's arm tightened as Joseph slammed his hands onto the table, shaking it slightly with the force he used.

"And I will apologize for it. Later. I want the two of you outta here. Far away from my sister. The two of you are very fucking lucky I ditched my bro, he would've flipped the whole fucking apartment into shreds if he found out some trashy monsters were here."

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