41. Anger

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Chapter Summary: Edge is furious and is acting weird.

Your best friend isn't happy.

Papyrus and Blue suggests a light party to end a rough week.

WARNING! This isn't beta read!. I apologize for grammatical errors and writing mistakes!


"Ex..explain what?" You whisper, tightly holding onto Red's shirt with your lips pursed into a thin line. Your mind going haywire as you slowly met Edge's piercing gaze. Crimson eyelights staring back at you with furrowed browbones.

"YOUR WOUND. THE BRUISING."He stated, scoffing when you moved to hide behind his brother.

You wrinkled your nose slightly — You knew Edge was . . . Concerned, in a weird angry way. You appreciated it, but you really didn't want to tell him why you suddenly had an eyepatch covering your eye over a course of few short days. You thought that the bruises were all covered up, was that why that lady thought you were in danger?

Wordlessly, deep crimson colour picked up Red off the floor. Leaving him thrashing in the air, growling and hissing at his brother while Edge took another step closer, not minding his older brother in the air. His hand gently lifting your chin and removed your hair from obstructing your damaged eye yet again.

His jaw tightened for a second, the tips of his phalange tracing the bruising Stretch couldn't fully health. A scowl presented on his mouth as he closely examined you, leaving you frozen in a trance.

"YOU CAN BREATHE." He hissed warningly, noticing your lack of breathing.

"don't touch 'er!" Red roared, his own magic sparking and contrasting with Edge's. The crimson glow disappeared as Red fell on his feet, huffing slightly as he tried to pull Edge back. With a simple look from Edge, Red retracted his hand. Scowling to himself.

"WELL?" Edge pushed, raising his browbone at you. He took a step back, crossed his arms and lightly tapped his arm. His gaze burning into your skin the longer he stared.

Swallowing the thick lump in your throat, you nodded slowly. Inhaling and exhaling softly to calm your beating heart. You opened your mouth to speak but no words formed.

Edge scoffed, glancing over at Red for a second then back to you. His gaze still hard with the same angry flush. "ANYTIME, WENCH."

"What am I supposed to say?" You spew out in frustration. Why did Stretch come for you? Why did Muffet call him, why are they being so nice to you?

"I don't have to explain an-" a yelp escaped your lips as Edge slammed his hand on the door behind you, creating a loud 'thud' as he leaned down to your height.

"I AM NOT ASKING. THIS IS AN ORDER, EXPLAIN THE INJURIES. MY PATIENCE IS RUNNING LOW." He growled out, a puff of hot air kissed your cheek as you lowered your gaze to the floor. Heart beating in your ears the longer Edge loomed over you like a predator

"My-..my.. brothers.." You admit, your eyes tightly shut. Was he going to hit you now? Where are the others?

"...THAT WASN'T SO HARD, WAS IT?" Edge chasted, flicking your forehead with a smirk. "RIDDLE ME THIS, HUMAN. WHERE DO THEY RESIDE?"

"too late." Stretch appeared behind Edge, a lollipop between his teeth as he leaned to the right to look at you. "they've been taken care of. don't threaten the girl because you're sexually frustrated."

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