37. lowercases

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Chapter Summary: Oranges, blues, and yellows.
Chapter warning: descriptions of a panic attack, read at your own risk pleassssseee!!! This chapter is important for character relations!
luv T💞

The sound of rushing water with the distant click of a clock were all you could here. A soft sigh coming from you as you grabbed the robe and wrapped the string around your waist. Turning the knob off and walked to the body mirror.

How long as you stayed in the shower? It had to be more than the promised twenty minutes, perhaps an hour?

Pursing your lips into a thin line, you leaned closer to the mirror. Bruises still littered across your skin - the ones Stretch couldn't heal. The discolouration of your skin made tears blur your vision before rapidly blinking them away. Hair sticking uncomfortably to your skin underneath the sky blue robe - you stared at your face.

Fingertips lightly tracing the bruising around your damaged eye ; the same black corners and hazy centre. Swallowing thickly, you turned your head away, no longer wanting to see how. . . Damaged you were.

Combing your fingers through your hair, the door opening slightly as Muffet slipped in with her hands holding the hairdryer, heat protection spray, and a new set of clothes. She motioned you to sit in front of the mirror on the stool.

Wordlessly obliging, you sat down. Watching her through the reflection as she sprayed your hair with the protector, combing through the knots carefully and plugged in the hairdryer.

"What am I going to do?" You whispered, tightening your hold on the change of clothes - Stretch's orange hoody sticking out like a sore thumb. Ignoring the shirt and shorts, your tightly held onto the hoody. "Where did I go wrong? I-I did everything I could- I tried to stick up for myself and-and it.. went down hill."

Muffet's underbite disappeared behind her lip as she frowned. Easily working with your hair - curling iron lightly with the brush and hairdryer.

"you may stay here." She offered over the blowing heat. "I do not need much sleep so you can have the only bed."

Your brows furrowed, looking at her reflection with your mouth slightly ajar. "I have a place to go too, you don't need to do that for me." You say, wincing softly when she tugged. Muffet quickly apologized and brushed through your hair.

"-Of course. Forgive me but I'd feel better if you would stay with me - or Stretch and Blue." She says, turning off the hairdryer and racked her fingers through your hair, parting it from the sizes. She turned around to the counter and pulled open a drawer, taking out the ointment and gauze eyepatch. Squirting some onto the patch and returned to you - pushing the hair out of your face, you closed your eyes - shivering slightly from the cold feeling of the ointment.

"Stretch and Blue.. lives with the others, don't they?" You ask, adjusting the eyepatch a bit. Easily tying the strings behind your head. "It'll be too crowded - and I don't want to take your only bed, Muffet."

Muffet sighed deeply, shaking her head in a motherly fashion. "Have I not said you wouldn't be a burden? I am offering to provide a safe stay. Away from those brothers." She said, her nose wrinkling. Her eyes blinking in dominoes as she shifted her attention to the door.

"I do not think Papyrus or the others would mind as much. I hear they have an extra bedroom over the loft... You'd probably be more safer at their place, too." She mumbled to herself, lightly clapping her hands and turned back to you. Her bottom hand cupping your cheek with a tender smile - her fangs peeking out from her lip.

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