24. Little Shell

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Season 2: Little Shell

Chapter Summary: it's back to work at Muffet's. You finally meet up with the skeletons after weeks of avoidance.
Chapter Note: major jump skip to the other portion of the story:^) I have a lot of pre-written chapters so I'm trying not to update randomly?????

Muffet's shop had been redesigned.

The eerie feel was gone as the purple tinted glass was now clear, giving the freshly new interior a home-y vibe to it. The booths were swapped out for at window stools with high counters, outlets were placed for the laptop users(and phones), the curtains were now white laced instead of the black laces, several small stand tables were scattered around the floor in front of the cash register. The tiles on the floor were ripped out and replaced with a wooden design and finally, there were two twin couches facing a small flat screen TV with an oval coffee table near it.

The alcohol and bar were relocated to the basement. Fixed and planned way before you discovered Muffet's shop a few weeks earlier. A side entrance was used to get to the Bar and a neon sign directed whomever towards it instead of going in the café.

Safe to say that you were stunned at the sudden change of decor when you arrived. Having to walk out and check your surroundings before reentering the café portion of Muffet's shop.

The glass containers filled with sweets of different designs and without the view of alcoholic beverages, more people began to pile in.

"Are you sure I'm in the right place?" You asked Muffet. She held a tea set on top of a silver tray, effortlessly sliding past you with a kick of her feet.

"Ahuhu~ of course you are, dearie. Like the new place?" She asked, lowering the tea set for the two female customers and rolled towards you. "I admit, my first approach was a little intense for you humans, so I decided to divide my bar and café." She winked two eyes at you, her middle eye shut closed. "I just didn't have the money to make it happen at first, now I do and I'm extremely satisfied."

"This only took a week?" You muttered, examining a chocolate cake on display. A small whistle came from you as the turntable reacted to your touch, spinning the chocolate goodness. You blushed profusely at Muffet's stare, lowering your head and quickly retreated towards the back with the spider monster following after.

"You'd be surprised how fast monsters can reconstruct." She said, closing the door behind her. "We didn't have a lot to do in the underground and everyone was beginning to get restless. So some went to build, others went to redesign or simply helping out." You hummed as you wrapped the apron around your waist, securing it with a cute bow.

"You've been working for me for about five weeks, four if you don't count your days off." She said. "I am still amazed you hadn't ran out the door since your confrontation."

Tying your hair into a low ponytail, you paused to look at her. "...You stood up for me..."

Muffet giggles, covering her mouth with her fingertips. "Of course, why wouldn't I when my dear Papyrus has taken a liking to you?" She tilted her head, her ponytails falling the same direction. "Of course, I have my own reasons to fight for my employees. Especially the one who barely breaks any rules~"

The thought of Stretch stung. Ever since the ambassador's dinner party, you've been avoiding Stretch as much as you could since you shouted that in the middle of the night. Sans still asks if you were alright and that he had talked to Edge about pulling you away while on the job, Red too.—but you still received a hefty scolding from Sebastian and (extremely baffling) Claude for the insubordination.

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