All-Star Apologies: Part 20 [Deadly Life]

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"Ah, you guys are back..." Makoto and Taka turned towards them as Chihiro and Mukuro reentered the music room "find anything?"

"No, but..." Chihiro thought Mukuro got some tape from the boxes in the dorm room. I don't know what she plans to use it for though..."

"Didn't you ask her?" Taka asked.

"I did," Chihiro said "but for some reason, she's not talking. It's like she's trying to dodge conversation for whatever reason."

"Well, she clearly isn't the most talkative person..." Taka said, watching Mukuro as she headed towards the stage, tape in hand "but that is quite odd regardless..."

"Oh, I feel I should let you know something else," Chihiro explained "in order to get more information on the case, Byakuya wanted to know who had used the boxes and how many times. He thinks that the killer may have used them."

"Ah, yes, I remember that he asked me about that..." Taka considered.

"Let me guess," Makoto asked "you want us to tell you how many times we used the boxes?"

"Good guess, even if that was kind of obvious..." Chihiro thought "can you tell me? I'm not expecting you to lie to me, but doing so would be disadvantageous of you, regardless of whether you're the killer or innocent."

"I speak the truth and nothing but the truth," Taka crossed his arms confidently "and I can declare that I used the boxes a total of...Zero times! I did not use them once!"

"I...used them twice," Makoto said "not for anything bad, I promise. Oh, and you should probably know that before today, Mukuro already used it once. if she got something from it just now, that means it's her second time using it."

"It's ok, all I wanted to know is if you used it, not what for," Chihiro told him "thanks."

🔫Who used the boxes updated in the Truth Bullets🔫

"Hey," Mondo and Kyoko suddenly came over to the group "is this about what Byakuya was askin' everyone about those boxes?"

"Yeah," Chihiro explained "by the way, what is Mukuro doing over there?"

"I'm not too sure..." Kyoko said "but she asked Mondo to lift the piano up again, and look what she did with the tape."

Everyone peered past Kyoko to see that Mukuro was kneeling on the stage, silently staring at the piano. What was strange is that where it was collapsed before, it looked good as new.

"She fixed the leg with tape," Mondo said "that's some real fucking sturdy tape..." 

"Yeah, but on a roll, there's not much of it," Makoto explained "if it's the same as the one we found here at the crime scene, there's at least...20 cm or so."

"The peri-whatsit of the piano's leg is 20 cm. It's almost like it matches up perfectly." Mondo thought.

"Assuming the killer used a similar strand of tape in the crime, I'd imagine that was some sort of limitation Monokuma put in place," Kyoko said "likely as a joke."

"Damn bear..." Taka growled "so, did either of you two use the boxes at any point? To get back to the point I mean."

"I used it once. I needed a new toothbrush," Mondo explained "I bit the shit outta the one that was in my room."

"Isn't that kind of a waste?" Makoto thought "it might be a little bent out of shape, but it probably still works, doesn't it?"

"I didn't use it. I had no reason to," Kyoko explained "I'd like to know whether Taeko used it or not."

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