Pain of a Junk Food Junkie: Part 4

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Chihiro found it pretty hard to let himself fall asleep that night. After safely hiding the combat knife in his desk, he lay face up on his bed, unable to help himself from worrying about Kyoko. Yes, one thing that was true about what had been brought up is that Kyoko clearly didn't plan on talking. Chihiro couldn't help but think that Byakuya did have a point however. The whole amnesia thing could easily have been a lie...Even so, Chihiro was under the impression that the Mastermind's basic goal of the killing game was to see everyone die, either one by one. If Kyoko was a spy in the group, as it was being suggested, or if she was in fact the Mastermind herself, then by now she would have had plenty of opportunities to send everyone off to their deaths. Instead, she'd been nothing but helpful the whole time, giving Chihiro subtle encouragement whenever he needed, and had an eye for detail and steeled stomach that didn't mind looking or touching bodies, that really came in handy during class trials.

That being said, Makoto had greatly helped out proving Mukuro innocent in the previous class trial, in which he himself was the real killer. However, Makoto at least had an understandable reason for doing such a thing.

The main issue on his mind was what he was going to do. Kyoko had helped him out majorly in the past...and now he had to figure out just how to pay it back.

No sooner did Chihiro just manage to slip into sleep that the intercom to his room suddenly buzzed. He sat up and got out of bed, heading towards the door. When he opened the door, the gloved girl herself was standing there, a serious expression on her face.

"Kyoko?" Chihiro blinked a few times "hey...are you alright? Do you know what time it is?"

"It's 3 in the morning," she said "sorry to arrive so late...I have a favor to ask of you?"

"Let me're going to ask me if you can stay here?" Chihiro questioned.

"No," Kyoko said "I fear what may happen to you if Byakuya or the others found out I spent the night here..."

"Then what's the problem?" Chihiro asked. However, as he did, Kyoko leaned forwards, bringing her lips to Chihiro's ear.

"I want you to meet me at the data processing room on the fourth floor," she said "get there as soon as you can, please

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"I want you to meet me at the data processing room on the fourth floor," she said "get there as soon as you can, please."

Before the tiny programmer could ask her what she meant by that, the lavender haired enigma made her way out. The words looped over in Chihiro's mind.

The data processing room... he thought wait...wasn't that supposed to be locked?

Although he was slightly nervous, Chihiro opted to trust Kyoko and made his way out of his room and up to the fourth floor, thankfully still not that sleepy due to everything that was on his mind. He ambled through the schools late night halls, until he eventually arrived. However, despite what she'd said, Kyoko wasn't there. Or at least, she wasn't there yet...

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