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im woken up by soda nearly shoving me off my bed. "christ you're a heavy sleeper, get up youre gonna be late!" he shouts.

i sit up groggily, rubbing my eyes and looking at the time on the clock. i jump out of bed when i notice the time.

i've got about 25 minutes to get ready. "out! out!" i shout at soda as i shove him out of the door, shutting it.

i make my bed quickly, it's quite messy. i shuffle through my clothes, throwing on jeans from my laundry basket and a white hoodie hung in my closet.

i throw my hair into a pony tail, leaving my curtain bangs down, not having any time to style them.

i rush into the bathroom, pushing ponyboy out of the way. "hey!" he whines.

i brush my teeth and wash my face before going back to my room and packing up my bag.

"chop, chop, you two!" soda shouts at pony and i. i sling my bag onto my shoulder and check myself in my mirror one more time before walking out.

pony and i meet soda at the door, and just before i step out, darry says "remember, school then home, annalise. that's it."

i roll my eyes and say goodbye as we leave. during the car ride i'm asked usual questions, mostly about how i feel about going back after missing the last couple days.

i'm not too nervous, i wasn't gone too long. once we arrive, pony and i hop out, splitting ways.

i sit against the school brick and gaze around for my friend, as pony joins his.

my attention is pulled away from the crowd when my name is called. "hey, curtis!" i hear from behind me.

i know that voice anywhere.

i turn around and to my expectations, see dallas pulled up front in his car. my breath hitches slightly as i cross my arms, walking over to him.

i lean down a bit, making sure i can see him. "get out of here, dallas" i spit.

he furrows his eyebrows. "watch your tone, princess" he says, forming a smirk. i hate that damn smirk. i can feel the butterflies form in my stomach already.

"i'm picking you up during your lunch, we gotta talk."

"absolutely not, dallas" i say "it's my first day back, i have more to catch up on. we can talk later."

ANNALISE | Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now