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i sit at my vanity with my head in my hands, not knowing what to do.

i fiddle with my makeup brushes that desperately need a cleaning. i pick them all up and walk into the bathroom in the hall. hopefully darry won't care since i'm not around the boys.

i don't think he noticed, anyway. too busy cooking. as i get out a towel to place on the counter, i hear dallas say
"i gotta take a piss" from around the corner.

he walks in, closing the door behind him quickly. "dallas-" i say but he cuts me off with a kiss.

he pulls back with a smile on his face. i just stare at him, trying not to yell.

"christ, dallas you're gonna get me in deep shit. ponyboy and soda already know i don't need anyone else-"

"oh, come on curtis, relax..they didn't see you come in here" he says, brushing my hair out of my face and tucking it behind my ear.

i think of devin when he does that, when he had taken me on a date. i frown.

"what is it?"

"nothing really, i just hope devins doing alright.." i say, turning my back to him and continuing to wash my brushes.

dallas and i look at each other through the mirror. he puts his hand on my waist, interlocking his fingers in my jean loops, tugging on them.

he leans down and whispers "still thinking of other guys even when we're this close?"

i feel my heartbeat quicken and my stomach twist. i bite my lower lip, trying to hide my smile.

he chuckles quietly and begins kissing my neck. i grip onto the sink, hoping to not make any noise.

it's quite obvious when he finds my sweet spot because i tense up. he laughs again, his hot breath fanning my neck.

he pulls away and leaves the bathroom without saying anything. i stare at myself in the mirror trying to gather what just happened.

the butterflies remain in my stomach as i finish up my brush cleaning. i gather them in the towel and bring them to my room.

i place them sprawled out so that they can dry. i look over my shoulder to find dallas opening my window.

"hey, doll" he says as he jump in, shutting the window behind him.

"what are you doing?" i say, walking over to my door and locking it.

"told the boys i was leavin, but i wanted to see you" he says, coming over and putting his arm around my neck.

he ruffles my hair then sits on my bed. he grabs one of my pillows placing it on the other, but notices his christopher.

he picks it up "why aren't you wearing it?"

"cause darry would kill both of us" i say jokingly, sitting next to him. he shrugs and lies down.

"wouldn't bother me" he replies, patting his chest motioning for me to lie down with him.

i rest my head on him, listening to his breathing. we lie in silence, both of us drifting to sleep.

we're awoken by a knock on my door. my heart races as the doorknob rattles.

"annalise? why is your door locked?" darry says on the other side. i glare at dallas wanting him to hide somewhere quickly.

"i was about to get changed!" i shout. i go to open the door, dallas slides behind it.

darrys standing with a plate of food in his hand when it opens. "dinners ready" he says as he hands it to me.

"thank you," i say and he walks off. i close my door, locking it again. dallas snickers, licking his lips and laying back down on my bed.

i roll my eyes at him and sit at my vanity, placing my plate down and begin eating.

"this is so stupid," i say after swallowing my first bite. "i mean- he won't even let me eat with them."

dallas hums in response as he taps his fingers on his chest to some random beat.

"i told them what happened."

he shoots up, staring at me. "everything?"

"yeah, you're lucky they weren't that mad. not at you, at least" i reply quietly, taking another bite of my food. it's spaghetti.

he bites his lower lip, letting out a deep breath. "i really am sorry, anna" he says. he never apologizes, and honestly i didn't think he was being genuine about it when he picked me up from school.

he's also, never called me anything like that. it's either curtis or annalise- or one of his flirtatious nicknames like "doll" or something.

"it's whatever" i say turning my back to him, finishing my food. he doesn't say anything, i believe he fell asleep.

i finish and then take my plate to the kitchen, being sure to shut my door behind me.

i wave to two-bit and steve who are sitting on the couch as i walk into the kitchen, putting my plate in the sink.

"it was good, thanks" i say to darry and walk back to my room.

i come to a halt, turning back to him. "how much longer am i gonna be grounded?"

"probably just a few more days. you learning your lesson yet?" he asks as he washes the dirty dishes.

"yeah, definitely" i say, knowing i'm just bored of being in my room. i don't think there's really a lesson to be taught here, but it's cool.

"im gonna go to bed a little early i think. night guys" i finish, going down the hall to my room.

i slowly open my door, not wanting to wake dal. i close it and lock it once again so that no one comes in.

dallas fell asleep just as i thought. he looks so beautiful, his usual tough face is relaxed, making him look even younger.

his chest rises up and down slowly as he breathes. i smile to myself and change into more comfortable clothes.

i turn a lamp on next to my bed then turn my main bedroom light off, lying down next to him. i throw my arms over him, my leg on top of his and my head in his neck.

ANNALISE | Dallas WinstonWhere stories live. Discover now