- Chapter 16 -

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This chapter was requested by one of my lovely readers! And yes, I will be posting a part 2! 💜

February 15
Tuesday - 7:40 am

Narrator's P.O.V
As Jungkook and Yn walked in the hallways together hand in hand, they talked about their date yesterday and.. most importantly, they talked about how they were almost seen by Jackson and his gang.

"That was close one, I was scared they were going to catch us-"

"K-Kookie.. wouldd prootect Ynie."

Jungkook said seriously as he held her hand tighter causing Yn to smile and kiss his cheek, "I know you would've. You're so brave Jungkookie."

Suddenly she gasps loudly which scared Jungkook as he look at her in concern only for her to say;

"That's another reason I love you... you're brave... and I love you because your strong too Oh and I love you because you protect me.. oh! And I love you bec--"

But she couldn't finish that sentence because she felt a pair of lips on hers and after she kissed back, she smiled and kissed him again which caught Jungkook off guard as he stopped walking causing Yn to stop walking.

"W-W-Why... t-two.. k-kissesss?" He asks quietly as he felt himself blushing, normally they would kiss once and then probably kiss later, they would never kiss again after the first kiss so this was new for him.

"Did you want more?" Yn asked as she smiled but it only made the poor boy blush even more as he wanted to say yes but was too nervous too.

Yn giggled as she stood in front of him and started kissing his face, first starting with his his forehead, then his nose, then his cheek, and lastly his lips, she applied gentle pressure into it, slightly deepening their kiss and Jungkook kissed her back slowly as he was enjoying the way they kissed.
Sure, it was new of kissing for him but he liked it.

After she pulled back, he still stood there, expecting another kiss from her causing her to giggle as she held his hands on hers.
"No more baby.." She said causing Jungkook to cutely pout at her as he whined,
"Onne.. m-m-more.."

Yn smiled and quickly kissed him while he was pouting, which caught him off guard as he turned a bright shade of scarlet, "You're so cute Jungkook-ah." Yn says softly.

7:50 am - The bell rings for first period -

As the two were about to go inside, Yn stops walking which caused Jungkook to also stop walking as Yn says, "Jungkookie, why don't you go inside first-" "W-Why?...w-where aare you goingg?" He asks as he holds onto her hand tightly.

"I'm going to get my history book, I left it inside my locker but I'll be right back." Yn says softly and Jungkook nods as he let's her hand go,

"Y-You willl.. be rright backk?" He asked as he started fidgeting, and Yn nods while smiling.
"I promise baby bunny."

Yn's P.O.V
After I watched Jungkook go inside the classroom, I quickly ran down the hall towards my locker, and after I got my book.. I was about to close it when a hand stopped me.

"Hey baby, you ditching class?"

It was Jackson.

I quickly shook my head as I slammed my locker closed, turned around and kept walking but he stopped me by harshly gripping my hand, turning me around then shoving me into the lockers.

"What do you want?!" I asked, trying to sound tough but honestly.. I was scared.

"What I want to know is.. what do you see in Jungkook? I mean you know what he is, right?"

"And what's that suppose to mean?!" I asked offended as I glared at him and he just shrugged as he continued,

"I'm just saying.. he's not normal. I mean don't you think things are going... too slow with him?..

I chuckled as I pushed him back hard which caused him to glare at me, "I could care less that he has autism! He treats me with respect and I know that he loves me and I love him! So I don't care that we don't act like a normal couple! I don't care that we get weird stares, and I don't care that people whisper about us! So leave me alone!"

I shouted and started walking away but he quickly caught me by my arm, making me drop my book, as he pulled me closer to him,

"Let go of me!" I shouted as I started kicking and screaming but he quickly put his hand over my mouth.

So I did the one thing I could think of, I bit down as hard as I could until I started to taste blood.

He let me go and shoved me to the ground but I quickly got up, grabbed my book and started running back to class.

"Oh baby, you're in a world of mess now."

After I frantically knocked on the door to the classroom, I apologized for being late and quickly walked over to my seat and sat down.

I felt my hands start shaking as my breathing starting to increase rapidly the more and more I thought about what just happened.

Should I tell Jungkook? Should I not? What will he do? How will he react? What will happen? What he fights him? No, what if he gets hurts?

Narrator's P.O.V
Jungkook immediately noticed something was wrong when he saw Yn's breathing increase and her hands shaking. He also noticed that she had bruises on her arms and got mad as he quietly asked;

"Who.. hurt mmy Ynie?"

Yn bit her lip nervously as she shook her head, "Jungkookie-"

"W-Who hurt you Yn?!"

Jungkook asked loudly and Yn slowly looked up at him as she knew that she had to tell him the truth before he got even more mad..

She gently held his hand and whispered;


- Lunchtime -

After class Jungkook told Yn to go to go to the nurse while he took care of something, but she grabbed his hand gently and his anger slowly started to melt away as he looked into her eyes, "J-Jungkookie please don't do this, I-I'm fine.. really!" She said softly as she tries to convince him to stay but after he looked at her bruises once more, his anger came back again as he says in a low tone;

"No one.. hurts mmy Ynie and gets aaway.. with it."

He plants a soft kiss on her forehead then quickly leaves down the hall, and after she make sure he left, Yn turned around and waved her hand signaling to the others to come out. With a sad sigh, she said;

"Follow him..."

Namjoon nodded then he started running as he motioning for the others to follow him and after all 6 boys left Yn alone in the hallway, she quickly started running to the nurses office.

- At the back of the school -

Jungkook had followed Jackson and his gang all the way to the back of the school and quickly hid behind a corner of the school building as to not be caught.

Meanwhile, the other 6 boys watched Jungkook from a few feet away, hiding from him. "Let's go." Yoongi says and steps out but is quickly stopped by Namjoon who puts his hand on his shoulder and shakes his head as he says softly,

"No. This is something Jungkook needs to do on his own."

Yoongi gave him an uncertain look as he crossed his arms, causing Namjoon to sigh and say, "Alright, fine. We'll step in if they hurt him."

Yoongi and the others nodded as they closely watched their baby brother going up against his bully and old friend...

They could only hope that he didn't get hurt.

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