- Chapter 24 -

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Saturday, 12:03 am
Narrator's P.O.V
As the weekend rolled around.... the boys noticed that Jungkook was barely coming out of his room and was barley eating anything and they all knew that it was all because Yn was spending more and more time with Soo-jin.

They knew that they had to do something to make him feel better and they had a plan on how to do that,

They decided that they would invite Yn over to the house and leave her and Jungkook alone for a couple hours.

"I'll give him some food first." Seokjin said as he carried a bowl fully of grapes, tangerines slices, watermelon slices, and a box of banana milk, to up Jungkook's room.

Jungkook hardly bat an eye when he heard someone open the door, he only continued to look at the ceiling then he heard Seokjin say,

"Hey baby bunny... I brought you some fruits and banana milk. Come and eat some."

Jungkook ignored him and rolled over, turning his back to his Hyung as he began to look at the wall,

"Jungkook.. please eat something.. you're worrying Hyungie when you don't eat." Seokjin said pouting but Jungkook remained silence as Seokjin placed the bowl and the box of milk on his desk.


"P-Pleasse..lleave me.. alonne S-Seokjin."

Seokjin's P.O.V
I bowed my head down sadly as I turned around and walked out of the room, closing the door behind me.

Once I got downstairs, I gathered everyone in the living room and said;

"We need to get Yn here now!"

1:00 pm
Yn's P.O.V
After Namjoon called me and told me about how Jungkook was doing, I quickly got ready, packed my backpack up with clothes and some other things and ran out the door.

Once I made it to the boys house, I grabbed the doorknob hard and started banging on the door as my breathing started increasing and I was feeling lightheaded.

Suddenly just as Namjoon opened the door, I fell to the ground and started wheezing as I held my chest, he carefully picked me up and brought me inside the house.

"W-Whats happening to Yn? Is she okay?!" I heard Hoseok ask in a panic.

"She's having a asthma attack! Grab her bag, her inhaler must be in there!" I heard Namjoon shout and I heard the sound of someone running outside..

Then my eyes became blurry and everything went dark.

- 11 minutes later -

I slowly opened my eyes as I heard people talking and once everything became clearer, I saw that I was surrounded by everyone and they all cheered once they saw that I was awake.

I smiled as I felt the warmth of Jungkook's hand in mine, but as I started to sit up on the couch in the living room, I noticed that he was laying down on the floor.

Slowly, I took my hand out of his and whispered to the others, "Thank you."

They all nodded and Seokjin and Yoongi said that everyone was going to go out for a while and they asked that I stayed here with Jungkook and I agreed and soon after that, they left the house.

- 20 minutes later -

Narrator's P.O.V
As Jungkook started to open his eyes, he felt soft hands gently running through his hair and lightly kisses being placed on his forehead, then he suddenly remembered about Yn and immediately sat up and looked around the room for her, not realizing that she was sitting next to him on the floor.

"Y-YNIE!!" he shouted as he started to get up but Yn slowly reached out for his hand and gently squeezed it, grabbing his attention as he turned around and saw her sitting on the floor with that same cute smile on her face, the one he hadn't seen in nearly 3 weeks.

Jungkook sighed in relief as he kneeled down in front of Yn and hugged her tightly, and he smiled when he felt her hugging back.

Suddenly he started to feel very overwhelmed as he felt tears streaming down him face and no matter how many times he tried to stop crying.. he couldn't.

Those tears soon turned into soft sniffles..

Then it turned into loud wailing..

Then it finally turned into a loud uncontrollable sob as he started wailing even louder.

For the first time, in a long time... he felt safe and he felt happy.

And hearing this, Yn quickly hugged him tighter as she started rocking him back and forth as she said;

"It's okay.. Jungkookie.. I'm here... I'm h-here."

Yn tried to stay strong and not cry but she also felt very overwhelmed and angry with herself then she suddenly blurted out;

"I-I'm ssorry! I-I..aam so ssorry Jungkook..."

"I-I'm such a bad girlfriend!"

After Yn said that, Jungkook immediately pulled back from their hug, held onto Yn's shoulders and started shaking his head violently as he said;

"N-No.. Noo..No..No... s-stop sayingg t-that! Y-Youre wrong... You're wrong!"

"But I-I am a bad ggirlfriend Jungkook! I-I didn't sspend enough.. ttime with you a-and.. I didn't.. I-I didn't--"

"S-Stop itt! Stop it! You're wrong! Y-You're not.. a bad girlfriend... you.. are.. tthe complete.. opposite.. y-you're the.. bbest girlfriend ever... and I love you.. sso much.."

Yn smiled and as more and more tears streamed down her face, the more overwhelmed she felt, Yn chuckled as she gently pulled Jungkook in for another hug which he accepted and said,

"I love you so much more baby and no matter what anyone else says... you're the best boyfriend ever and you're perfect to me."

After staying on the floor hugging for a couple more minutes, the two got up and sat down on the couch in comfortable silent, just holding each other while a movie was playing.

- After the movie - (Btw they watched Tangled incase anyone was wondering)

After the movie was over, Yn turned off the TV after realizing that Jungkook fell asleep near the end, as she watched him sleep, she thought about the first time they met and what's happened after all that, she smiled to herself and as she was about to get up..

She felt a hand grab her wrist and pull her back down which caused her to land on top of Jungkook and as she tried to get up..

She heard him giggling.

"Oh so you think this funny huh? Well, I'll show you funny Koo." Yn said teasingly as she began to tickle him on the sides of his stomach, which immediately caused him to squeal then start laughing while trying to stop her.

Soon enough... Jungkook ended up falling off the couch, bringing Yn down with him.

And the two laughed as they laid down next to each other on the floor and after their laughter died down, Jungkook said;

"I-I really really missed you Ynie."

"I really really really missed you too Jungkookie."

Jungkook nuzzled close to Yn and as he did, he began to close his eyes and slowly leaned in... then he kissed her.

As he felt Yn kiss him back, he began to wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him as he felt her hands gently going through his hair and after he pulled back, Yn kissed his forehead and soon enough Jungkook and Yn fell asleep on the floor holding each other tightly. ♡♡♡

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