- Chapter 20 -

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( A/N: What would YOU do if you made eye contact with Jungkook? 👀)

Narrator's P.O.V
As the days passed by, Jungkoook had recieved more and more notes every time he opened his locker during passing period or lunch, all telling him that was cute and asking him the same thing.. and he didn't want to be rude... but it was irritated him to no end.
He wished it would stop but he didn't know what to do, he didn't know who was giving him these notes.

- 2 weeks later -

As the bell rings for lunchtime, Jungkook could only hope that there were NO notes in his locker from this mysterious person but.. of course there were. There were around 3 notes this time, and as always.. he did the exact same thing;

he held them in hands, walked over to the nearest trash can and threw them away...

That was until he saw that one of the folded up notes were different..

One of the notes was white.

He immediately grabbed it and took a step back from the trash can as he held the note close to his chest, this note he knew had to be from Yn, only she wrote notes to him in white paper.

Getting excited, he quickly opened it.. only to be frustrated as it was a trap set up from the mysterious person;

Hello Kook,
I figured you'd open it if you thought it was from that girl you hang out with... but no, it's me again. ;) I just wanted to say that you look nice today.. and I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch with me on the rooftop? <3<3

He let out a groan of frustration as he crumpled it note up and ripped it to pieces.

Why can't this person just leave him alone?!

Then he thought for a moment... and suddenly got an idea. The mysterious person only thinks that Yn is a friend, that person doesn't know that Yn is actually his beautiful, sweet, amazing, and talented girlfriend.

So... all he had to do was make sure that the mysterious person was watching him either hug or kiss Yn during lunch.
This was going to be easy!

Jungkook smiled at his brilliant thinking and his smile grew even more as he turned around and saw Yn running towards him, cutely waving her hands at him.
He giggled as he held his arms out for her to run into and once she did, he held her in a tight embrace and gently spun her around.

Yn and the boys were very aware of all of the notes this mysterious person was leaving for Jungkook and they all offered to help in different ways;

Yoongi, Hoseok and Namjoon all suggested to report this to the school principal and get the police involved for stalking and harrassment but Jungkook found that idea too mean as he didn't want anyone to get in trouble.

Seokjin suggested that Jungkook just ignore the notes and throw them out each time but that was no good since that's what he's been doing for the past two weeks.

Jimin and Taehyung suggested that he change lockers and the letters would stop arriving to him but Jungkook said that the mysterious person might find out which locker is his anyways.

And Yn suggested that he give the notes to her so that she can find out who's writing them but he declined as he didn't want her to worry or stress out about the situation.

"Hi baby.. um.. did you... you know get more love letters today?" Yn asked and even though she was smiling at him, he could see the pain in her eyes as she was also worried and frustrated about all those notes. Although she didn't have anything to be worried about, because Jungkook only had eyes for Yn and only Yn.

"Y-Yes... the oness.. you gave mme." He said softly and Yn blushed as she held him tighter and rested her hand on his shoulder.

That was until she noticed something out of the corner of her eye... she saw a girl hiding terribly behind her locker door, watching her and Jungkook.

Yn didn't want the others to know so she quickly looked away and kissed Jungkook's cheek as she heard the boys behind her,

"Hey guys, you ready for lunch?" Namjoon asked as he looked at us and I quickly turned around and said,
"Yeah but.. you guys can go up first, Jungkook and I will meet you there!"

Namjoon's P.O.V
I gave Yn a puzzled look and was about to ask why when Yn started talking while moving her hands around..

"You guys should go up first because Jungkook and I are just going.. back to my classroom! I forgotten my math book back there. You know me, always leaving things behind."

I immediately hid a smirk while a chuckle as I saw what she was gesturing behind her... she had found the mysterious person.

I nodded and cleared my throat as I started walking the opposite direction, motioning for the others to follow me, "Let's go to the rooftop guys, we'll meet up with Yn and Jungkook later."

I quickly winked at Yn and she smiled as a thank you as the boys and I started to leave.

While we were far enough away from them, Yoongi lightly punched my shoulder and glared at me, "You know we could have gotten her, she was right across from us."

The others nodded as they also shot me looks but I smiled and shrugged my shoulders as I said,

"We need to let them deal with this on their own, it is their relationship after all. Besides, we'll step in if things get too serious."

The others nodded, agreeing with me and we all walked up the rooftop staircase in silence. I knew if anyone could help Jungkook get through this, it was definitely going to be Yn.

I could only hope that whatever plan she came up with.. works and she and Jungkook could live at peace again.

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