- Chapter 71 -

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Hey guys, it's Andy here and I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for the lack of posting chapters lately, it's just that I'm in college right now and it's been harder for me to write stories due to the amount of work I have to do.. and I know, I know. I know you all want Yn and Jungkook to be together and for Yn to regain her memories and she will.. soon.

For now, please enjoy this chapter 71, and again I'm sorry that I kept you waiting.

- Andyywritesstuff 💜

Now... onto the Chapter!🤠

Narrator's P.O.V
Jungkook opened the small box and saw...

A letter on top of a small brown stuffed bunny.

This made Jungkook confused as he looked inside the box then back at everyone else inside the room then back at the box again.

Finally, Yoongi decided to break the ice and asked;

"What is it?"

However Jungkook remained silent, and after a moment, he said;

"A l-letter... a-and a.. a buunny."

The boys and Yn all  looked at each other then looked back at Jungkook, and when he remained quiet, Yn got up and sat down next to Jungkook, she gently grabs his left hand as he held the box with his right hand and she started signing in his hand;

'What's wrong?'

At first, Jungkook didn't react to her sign but then after a while, he slowly signed back;

'He wants to... be friends again.'

Yn looked at Jungkook for approval and after he nodded, she said what he had just said outloud and the boys were in a mixture of confusion, anger and overall shock.

"He shouldn't even be asking that!" Taehyung shouts and Jimin agrees while rolling his eyes, although the others had different opinions;

"Maybe.. it wouldn't hurt to.. give him.. another chance?..." Hoseok hesitantly said although it sounded more like a question, and this made Yoongi scoff;

"Yeah right! As if I giving that asshole another chance! After everything he's done to us?! To Jungkook?! No way am I giving that bastard another chance!"

As the boys were bickering about whether or not to give their old friend another chance... Yn noticed that Jungkook had remained silent and was starting at the floor intensely..

Little did she know that Jungkook was having flashbacks... flashbacks of memories that he desperately wanted to forget but couldn't as they played as a broken record, repeating his mind over and over again..

Then... he heard it.

He heard Jackson's voice.

It was clear, as if he was in the room with them..

Looking up, Jungkook looked around wildly for Jackson and soon.. he found the source leading to his old friend's voice.

It was inside the stuffed bunny that Jimin was holding.

He put a recorder inside and left a message for him...

"Bunny- Ah.. I-I mean Jungkook. J-Jungkook.. I.. I'm.. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for the way I've treated you.. and the others.. I.. I know this is a selfish thing to request and I know you'll probably never do it but... can you forgive me? ... please? I.. I would like to start over.. with time and of course with everyone's permission. I-I really miss you and the others bunny.. so please.."

Suddenly his voice cuts of with a heavy sigh then a chuckle as Jackson continued speaking in a playful tone;

"Remember the day when we were at the park bunny? We had all finished having lunch and we were just resting... when Seokjin's starts screaming like a girl because there was a butterfly on his face? Haha! He looked so stupid running away from it.."

This made Jimin and Taehyung scoff as they both looked at the stuffed bunny. The others also glared at the stuffed bunny, except for Hoseok and Namjoon.

"Anyways.. I know the others are probably listening to this too so.. I just wanted to say this.. even if you guys hate my guts... please let me see Jungkook if he's okay with it. Because in all honesty.. he's the only one I want to see, I know I was stupid and hurt him the most... and I'd like to talk with him one on one.. if that's alright. If not.. then okay. I'll leave you guys alone and you'll never hear from me again.. um.. that's it. I'll see you guys around school."

And just like that, the message abruptly ends.

Just as the boys were about to say something, Jungkook starts hitting himself in the head over and over again which makes the boys get up and surround him as Yn sat on the couch.

"Jungkookie.. Jungkook stop it!"

Namjoon said worriedly as he grabbed ahold on Jungkook's arm attempting to make him stop his movements.

This was his personal matter and even though Yn was worried about him.. she knew that his brothers knew what he needed better than she did right now.

As he continued to hit himself over and over again, he looked over at Yn... but it wasn't with love, it wasn't with joy...

It was with jealousy and sadness.

Why couldn't he be the one that was nearly beaten to death?

Why did it have to be her?

Why did he have to lose everything in a matter a seconds?!

His relationship with Yn is practically nonexistent, his relationship with his brother's is deteriorating before his eyes, and now.. his old friend had wanted to come back into his life.

It was all too much for Jungkook.

He didn't know what to think!

Taking deep breathes, he tried to calm down but he couldn't, this longing feeling of wanting to forget grew stronger and stronger...

And then suddenly... Jungkook stopped moving and he looked around at the older brothers that were surrounding him;

Namjoon, Seokjin, and Yoongi were holding onto his arms while Jimin and Taehyung were holding onto his legs and feet..

The boys all looked at each other and Namjoon hesitantly let Jungkook go, and the others followed his lead..

That was a big mistake.

As Jungkook immediately sprung up to his feet and ran upstairs to his room and locked the door.

Everything was silent and the boys had gotten up from the floor.. and just when the boys were about to take the first step up the stairs to check on Jungkook..

Everyone heard loud screams coming from Jungkook's room.

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